part 9 ~

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sunghoon walked to the café and opened the door, he did not want to see his ex girlfriend but he had no choice because if he didn't meet up with her, she would be calling him from time to time. sunghoon saw isa in a matter of seconds because of her beautiful blue hair which was flowing in the wind. sunghoon did have to admit that she was very pretty, but he couldn't be with her because he was already engaged to heeseung.

isa saw sunghoon and gave him the biggest smile. she ran up to him and gave him a hug.
"hoonie ~~"
but sunghoon just rolled his eyes, her stupidity is the reason why he broke up with her
"hello isa, why did you want to meet me here?"
sunghoon asked as he took a seat while isa was doing exactly what he was doing.
"sunghoon, this is the café where you took me on OUR first date"
sunghoon looked around the café and softly smiled. yes, he did remember this café which made him feel a little bit nostalgic but he did not listen to his heart, he was controlled by his brain which was telling him to leave the café because isa might do something that he was not comfortable with
"isa, we can't be together because i am already engaged to someone" sunghoon told the blue haired girl causing her to widen her eyes

"who are you getting married to then?!?!?"
that is when isa started to yell at him causing other ppl to stare at her
"are you gay?!?!?? you told me that you were straight when we were dating in high school and now you are telling me that you are gay?!?!!"

"i don't give a fuck on what you have to say, i love heeseung so much and i never should've come to this café!"

"wait...... how come you are not with your fiancé and you are here with me?" isa asked

"oh um... well... i- oh shit." that is when sunghoon realised that he was brought back into reality as soon as isa asked him that question.

after what happened, there was silence. no one was saying anything to anyone. sunghoon and isa just stared at each other and then then looking away if one of them gave the other person a long stare

but their silence was interrupted when the door slammed open, sunghoon was shocked and turned around to see who it was
"sunghoon!!!! hurry up and meet us at the hospital, heeseung is in a coma!!!" jay frantically told him causing sunghoon to leap out of his seat
"no baby... i will come to you"

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