part 13~

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sunghoon drove heeseung to their house, but there was not much talking between the two boys. there was only a comfortable silence that formed between them. but heeseung started to get a strange feeling that he has already met sunghoon before but since he lost his memory, he could not remember anything. he has to accept the fact that they do not know each other.

they eventually made it to the house and sunghoon opened the car door for heeseung so that he can get out of the big vehicle

"thanks" the older boy muttered

"no problem" sunghoon smiled at him

they entered the house and in heeseung's eyes, the house was twice as big as the house that he stayed in with jun and minghao.

"do you live here by yourself?" heeseung asked while admiring the house

"no not really, i live with jake hyung, this is his house because he let me stay here after my ex boyfriend broke up with me and moved out" while sunghoon was explaining, a sad expression formed on his lips

"oh....  i am sorry to hear that' heeseung sadly said

"it's ok... we were in an arranged marriage. but he found out that i met up with my ex girlfriend so we are no longer engaged"

heeseung realised that the situation that sunghoon was telling him was very familiar but he didn't know why, but he knew that he shouldn't bring it up because sunghoon doesn't know him

"anyways are you hungry?" sunghoon changed the conversation because things were getting a bit too uncomfortable and awkward


"what would you like to eat? ramen?"

heeseung was shocked after sunghoon said that, how did he know that he loved eating ramen? they don't even know each other.

"how did you know i like ramen?" heeseung curiously asked

"uh... lucky guess" sunghoon shrugged his shoulders with a smirk forming on his lips

< hmm.. why is acting like this> heeseung thought


it was now dark and both boys were getting a bit tired so it was definitely the right time to sleep

jake walked into heeseung's room and saw that he was struggling with putting on his pjs

"heeseung hyung, can i tell you something?"

"um yes sure"

"me and sunghoon are not actually dating, he was just using me to make his boyfriend come back to him so they can get married"

"oh ok, thank you for telling me, but he does not want to talk about him"

"oh... there is a reason as to why he does not want to but he is still not over it, so we shouldn't bring it up"


"i am going to bed, good night hyung"

"good night jake"


sunghoon now walked into the room and heeseung was still trying to put on his pjs, sunghoon felt a smile forming on his lips because it reminded him of the first time he helped heeseung put on his pjs

"need any help?" sunghoon asked

"no thank you i am fine" heeseung told him

but then he was met with a pair of fingers taking off the blue shirt that he was wearing, and soon enough, the mysterious fingers trailed down to his trousers and he realised that sunghoon had already changed him into his pjs

"now go to sleep heeseung hyung" sunghoon told him causing heeseung to nod his head in response, there was even a tint of red on his cheeks


heeseung was still not asleep, darkness was already terrifying for him but there was nothing he can do to help overcome his fears. the worst part is there was lightning that boomed outside his window which gave him a mini heart attack

heeseung got out of his bed and looked at the other rooms, everyone else was asleep. but he caught a glimpse of sunghoon's room which was next door to his room.

without hesitation, heeseung walked into sunghoon's room and saw the younger black haired boy who was in a deep sleep. heeseung felt embarrassed but he had no choice but to wake up sunghoon. heeseung tiptoed to sunghoon and slightly tapped him on the shoulder.

no response.

heeseung did not want to frantically shake him to wake him up but there was no other way of waking up the younger.

heeseung took a long, deep breath and with one of his hands, he shook sunghoon causing him to jolt out of bed


sunghoon groaned sleepily while rubbing his eyes but he did notice that heeseung was innocently staring at him

"i- c-can't sleep" heeseung told him, mentally slapping himself for stuttering

"oh really?" a visible smirk formed onto sunghoon's lips

"yeah... can i.. sleep in your bed?"

"of course heeseung hyung~"


heeseung was in the bed but there was a few spaces in between them which means he was uncomfortable with sleeping next to a boy even though they already slept in the same bed together.

the sound of ferocious lightning echoed outside the bedroom causing heeseung to tremble, sunghoon opened the window that was next to his bed so he can still hear the lightning and thunder outside.

heeseung was still wide awake, how the hell is he going to get any sleep when there is lightning outside? he wanted to just put himself under the covers hoping that the thunder will stop and he can peacefully sleep

but all of a sudden, he felt a pair of hands on his waist but that soon changed when he was being slowly pulled by someone. heeseung got scared and turned around to see who the hell was doing this to him. but that is when he felt a a tint of red forming on his cheeks. the person who was holding him was none other than park sunghoon

"s-sunghoon.. what are you-" heeseung was about to finish his sentence but sunghoon kissed him softly to prevent him from talking

that tint of red on heeseung's cheeks soon turned into a darker red.

go to sleep baby..... i will keep you warm" sunghoon faintly whispered in heeseung's ear.

heeseung was really confused, why was a boy who he didn't know treating him like this????

sunghoon eventually pulled heeseung in his warmth, gently cuddling him and caressing his soft dark hair.

sunghoon opened one of his eyes to check if heeseung was asleep, and he was satisfied with what he saw

heeseung was cuddling sunghoon while sleeping soundly. he even noticed a little smile that formed on the older's lips

sunghoon was very happy to have heeseung back in his life, feeling his warm body and kissing his soft lips.

but he was pulled back into reality considering that heeseung still has memory loss so he did knot even know who sunghoon was, nonetheless he still enjoyed heeseung's company after all these years of not cuddling and kissing him.

he wants him.....
he needs him......
he missed him.....
he loves him......

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