Chapter -27

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When Mahabharat became inevitable Gandhari thought to help her son Duryodhan who is going to face Pandavas.So she told Duryodhan that I have built up a stockpile of merit by virtue of my austerity keeping my eyes blindfolded,come to me at night without wearing clothes I will make you invincible by my plans.At night  Duryodhan  was completely naked and went to his mother when Krishna saw him asked him what's the matter? Duryodhan said it is my mother's instruction that I must go to her without wearing any clothes.Then Krishna says does any grown up person go to her mother  like this ? at least you must wear a towel. Then Duryodhan put on a towel and went to his mother. His mother asked have you come without any clothes ? Duryodhan said yes mother then Gandhari removed
the blindfold and looked at Duryodhan
and asked him why are you wearing clothes? Duryodhan said I met Krishna on the way He said you should go to your mother wearing clothes so I put on a towel. Gandhari understood Krishna 's plan because He was on the Pandava's side.Duryodhan became invincible except that covered part.In fight Bhim with the mace hit Duryodhan's thighs instructed by Lord Krishna to wound him fatally because God always  there for His devotees.

When Duryodhan taunted Bhishm that it is within your capacity to vanquish these Pandavas .You are deliberately being lenient towards them  Bhishm felt insulted and said him tomorrow I will kill their best warrior Arjun and Lord Krishna will have to break His vow and lift weapons.When this news spread around Pandavas camp they all were in the tensed mood . Krishna went to Draupadi and said  her I need you to come with Me at night ,then Krishna took Draupadi and said her to fall at Bhishm's feet and when he will say get up and ask for blessing you tell him I should remain married with my husbands alive.Draupadi walked along ,Krishna said her your sandals making sounds ,then Draupadi left her sandals there. Krishna put her in front and from behind He was holding her sandals and following her . Draupadi entered the tent of Bhishm,it was dark night Draupadi fell at his feet.Bhishm surprised who is this lady ? And involuntarily came out of his mouth may you live long and you always remain married  with your husband alive  after that when he saw Draupadi he realised he had given the wrong blessings because  in the morning he had promised to Duryodhan that he will kill Arjun tomorrow.Tben he said to her how did you do it so silently ? I didn't hear you.Where are your sandals ? Draupadi said that Krishna told me to take them out,in the meantime  Krishna walked in .Draupadi's sandals were in Krishna 's hand ,Bhishm says ,Oh ,Krishna You are 'Bhaktvatsal ' , for the sake of Your devotee You are willing to even do this holding Your devotee's sandals  .

That is the nature of 'Bhaktavatsal' That's why the path of bhakti is so easy it attracts the grace of God. God is obliged to step in to intervene for the devotee. When bhakt surrenders completely unto God immediately God say I have to bestow My grace and help you . That's why in Bhagvad Gita Krishna says Arjun My devotee shall never perish because I will maintain the 'Yogakshyam'.

What is 'Yogakshyam'?Yoga means whatever spiritual asset the soul needs for success in this journey but does not possess, the Lord supplies them and Kshyam means what spiritual assests the devotee has already acquired detatchment , faith etc the Lord sustains it .

Our eternal relationship is with God and that is from eternity till eternity.If we can discover that relationship and the endless love which is called 'bhakti' what can we not do inspired by devotion? Bhakti means immense love for the Lord.In it we develop an intense longing to see Him,to meet Him and to be with Him.Whatever we do  the mind remains attached to God and the thoughts flow towards Him such love in the heart cleans it of all impurities. With pure heart we can see the divinity of all living beings and in all things.  That is the glory of devotion.

How to engage our mind towards God in bhakti?

By engaging our mind and thought we will move towards God logically and
sequentially.This bhakti this love enabled Meerabai to drink the cup of poison as if it was the 'Charanmrit ' of Her beloved Shri Krishna.This bhakti is also enabled Prahllad to sit in the fire and  remain  untouched and finally came out alive without any injury by realising the presence of his beloved God.We
should understand the nature of this love which makes impossible to possible in our lives.

Thoughts are the precursors of anything we do in  our life. Thought creates emotions, feelings and the basis of actions.If we want to improve our actions we must start improving our thoughts.The mind is the machine and thoughts are it's creation .

The grace of God is in our hands.God says as you surrender to Me I will grace you .God says My rules are eternal from eternity till eternity. I give all these options to man so the basic principle of creation is God has given us the free will that man can love God , God provides  choices   to man but it depends on his intellect what he will  choose.Choices are necessary for love . Through love the soul can definitely reach that goal. So we should always put our standard high to reach that goal  and to reach that goal we must keep right knowledge in our intellect. The goal of spirituality is to reach there.

If we always value the chance what we have got we will not miss it .The human life is a chance, meeting the Guru is a blessing and receiving the knowledge is a tremendous grace.So if we value the grace we would receive it.  Chances are not permanent if we miss the chance what will happen ? In next life we would be anything .These graces are rare and chances are temporary and when we remember that then we will say this is a golden chance.So before slipping away that golden and rare chances from our hands we should keep that knowledge in our intellect and utilise every moment, that moment we should utilise in bhakti , seva , surrender,in glorifying God ,in doing some good deed which will enable us to get the graces of God .

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