Chapter -33

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Lord Krishna says Arjun  I descend on earth to protect  the righteous ,to annihilate the wicked and to re-establish the principles of Dharma.I descend on this earth millennium after millennium.If we study this verse deeply there is more to it than we see because the demons that  the Lord killed there is no need to descend.He is Almighty He could have  just done it .He doesn't  need to take an avtar.He comes and protects the sadhus that also doesn't make sense because He is not the bodyguard of the sadhus .He says I am sitting in the heart of all and  protecting them from inside.So when He has that ability to protect from inside it doesn't make sense that He descends for this purpose.He takes avtar  to establish dharma and the moment Lord Krishna left Kali Yug started. What dharma He established ? So this verse doesn't seem to hold logic but it has a deeper meaning in it .
What is dharma?Dharma is that it purifies us .Once a disciple told his guru I am fed up of my life ,you say there is God but why can't I see God?Where is He?Guru replied him why can't a drunkard recognise himself? Because he is intoxicated.God is everywhere but you do not have apparatus to see Him .What is that apparatus you need ?You need to purify yourself .How will you purify yourself ?  By attaching your mind to the all pure then your mind  will be purified.

How will we lift our souls ourselves? By engaging in devotion to all pure .But devotion to the formless is difficult because there's no basis to which we can attach our mind .So God descends on earth to give us a means to do bhakti.Through His avtar we know of His form ,His pastimes,His birth ,His name and His qualities .Now  we have the paraphernalia we need to do bhakti.So this is the dharma He established , the dharma of bhakti. He gives us the name ,form, pastimes, qualities, divine abode by which generation after generation will be able to do bhakti. Five-thousand years have passed away still we are celebrating Janmasthami ,this is a wonderful way of doing bhakti.If God didn't descend on earth we couldn't have celebrated Janmasthami. So by taking  avtar God made the whole process so beautiful .We can sing His glories ,we enact them ,we dance  with them .This is
the dharma ,He established the dharma of bhakti.In His pastimes He left the treasure chest which the Saints took from it and distributing among the people.In Lord Krishna 's leelas there is super fascinating way to purify ourselves. So Lord Krishna says I descend to establish dharma that is Bhakti.

Bhakti sadhana enslaves God .So when somebody has got bhakti then nothing else remains.One who has got bhakti or love for God then what remains .He has got the entity by which God Himself  is attained.The realisation of God in His personal form ,His complete realisation will  be through bhakti.That's why the Saints and gyanis to achieve that realisation they also did bhakti.

Shankaracharya was a follower of the path of Gyan.When he went to Kashi ,he offered his pranam to Lord Shiva  then he started crying.He said my lord I have committed three sins.First I have explained in my commentaries (bhashyas) that You are indescribable and yet I have tried to describe You.Secondly I have written that You are everywhere (sarv-vyapak) yet I have come  here to offer my pranam to You.Thirdly I have explained that I and You  are one and yet I am offering obeisance to You. So Shankaracharya was actually engaged in devotion.He was a Rasik Bhakt .when he was five years old he told his mother I wish to take renunciation but his mother refused him.One day he was bathing his mother was on the shore a crocodile came and caught him so he started screaming his mother prayed God please save my child,then Shankaracharya told his mother before my death please allow me to fulfill my last wish and give me permission to take renunciation.Her mother gave him permission and  crocodile left him  .He left home , by the age of eight he got the knowledge of four Vedas, by the age of twelve he got the knowledge of all the scriptures.There has never been a preacher like him.At the age of 16 he started writing bhashyas (commentaries) which are very famous.From the age  of 20 to the age of 32 he engaged in Krishna bhakti.He went various dhams and worshipped the personal forms of God. He has written hundreds and hundreds of stutis,verses praising the lord.In four dhams of India there is the pith of Shankaracharya.When he went Badri Vishal and entered the temple for the darshan of Lord Badrinath but he found there was a shaligram he was horrified and asked the priests where is Lord Badrinath? The priests said the anger of Buddhists they were coming around to destroy the deities.So to save the deities we immersed it in the Alakananda river.
But when we are trying to find it we are unable to do so.So Shankaracharya meditated there and he got a realisation.He said the priests if I tell you where the deity is will you re-install it back in the temple? The priests said yes.So he went based on the inspiration he got in meditation to the spot in the Alkananda river, it was zero degree centigrade water there he jumped in and from the river he got the idol of Lord  Badrinath .When he lifted it out of the water he was shocked because it's three finger were missing.He thought this cannot be the idol of Lord Badrinath that will be worshipped in the temple.He immersed it back.Then he searched again when lifted the deity he found the same idol  so he immersed it again and took a dip and third time he lifted  out the same idol Shankaracharya was dejected.At that time there  was akashvani the lord said don't be disappointed it is My wish that I will be worshipped in this khandit murti ,go ahead and install  it .Then the idol of lord Badrinath installed in the temple .

Shankaracharya was a great devotee .He says that I meditate upon that lord Krishna who is sitting on cross-legged under a Kadamb tree by the banks of the blue Yanuna river and lord Krishna 's body complexion is like that of a rain -bearing cloud .The effulgence of His body is destroying the darkness of Kali Yug and there He is sitting , eating food with His cowherd friends  . Shankaracharya was actually a Rasik Bhakt. That's why he says in his prasnavali means he asks the questions himself.

What's the one work you do which you will be never have any regret later on? He says engage in devotion to Lord Krishna .
Then again he asks question himself  if somebody has a deep yearning for the Supreme realisation what should that person do ? He responds himself to his question that person should do three things.
1 .Satsang  means association of a God-realised Saint.
2.Detatchment from the world and attachments to the lord Krishna bhakti.
3.He says I am drowning in this ocean of material energy what is the recourse for somebody like myself? And then he answers take the shelter of the merciful feet of the God.

If we want to realise the light of God then we can do any kriya whether it is Sambhavi Kriya or Sudarshan Kriya or any other kriya but if we want  to realise the indwelling God then we should do Astang-Yog-Sadhna and if we want  the complete realisation of God there is only way to get that and  that is bhakti .

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