Chapter -30

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Although Shree Krishna is God when He descended in His human form He discharged all His duties like an ordinary human being.He  also meditated upon the Gayatri .He was doing all the Vedic rituals. People do Vedic rituals so that they would reach God but why is God having to do all of these ?

Lord Krishna says Arjun if I don't carefully perform the prescribed duties all men would follow My path in all respect . If I don't perform prescribed actions the world would perish I would be responsible for the pandemonium that would prevail and would thereby destroy the peace of the human race. Ignorant people perform their duties with attachment to the results but the wise act without attachment for leading people on the right path.Lord  Krishna says Arjun if I don't work then people would start following Me so this would result in great confusion . Only set an example so that is My recommendation to you as well.

Lord Krishna explains Arjun  the wise should not create discord in the intellects  of ignorant people who are attached to the fruitive actions by inducing them to stop work rather by performing their duties in an enlightened manner and they should inspire the ignorant to do their prescribed duties.Lord Krishna says Arjun the great personalities they have their responsibilities.What is that? Others should not be misled by them .So Arjun the path you choose you must keep this criteria in your mind.If you don't do your duty what will happen ? If you will refuse to fight this righteous war abandoning your social duty and reputation you will incur sin. People will speak of you as a coward.For a respectable person infamy is worse than death.The great generals  hold in you high esteem will think that you fled from the battlefield out of fear and so they will lose their respect for you. Your enmies will defame and humiliate you with unkind words disparaging your might. Doing your duty is dharma and forsaking it is adharm  or a sinful act and that is not the way to eternal welfare .If you give up your duties out here that will be a sinful act and you will get infamy in the world as well and who have great respect for you they would not understand your motivation in running away , they would not think that you felt compassion you don't want to kill your  respectable  elders so you don't want to fight.They will think you are a coward so you deserted from the battlefield .So Arjun think of this consequence.If you don't fight that would be a sin and when somebody who sins what is the consequence ? There is material suffering and one descends to the lower abodes of existence.Here Lord Krishna cautions Arjun on the dire consequences of neglecting his duty as a warrior.

What is dharma? Dharma is the thoughts,the actions ,the values,the beliefs that are appropriate and suitable for us so it covers many aspects of our life.

What is my dharma ? This question arises in Arjun mind . He was in dharma sankat because in order to do his dharma he has to kill his respectable elders and that is where the dharm sankat arises . He asks Lord Krishna what is my duty ? Lord Krishna says him it is the bound duty of everybody to perform their dharma Whatever your duty is you do it perfectly that's the yagna or sacrifice . You are not the body you are the soul so when you determine that you are the soul your dharma then is to love and serve God that is param dharm . The loving devotion to God is param dharm . Such devotion which is without self seeking and which is without discontinuation it is constant. Lord Krishna explains Arjun the path of Karm Yog engage your mind loving service for God and with the body you do your worldly duties, engage in your worldly responsibilities while the mind is loving God  .That is the param dharm .

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