We're still going

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Hey, so ik it's been a while and basically no one reads this anymore but I couldn't rlly update cause I'm lazy :b but also because the internet for what I use to write on here wasn't working but I just fixed it XD.

While I was gone for absolute AGES! I was thinking about stuff. I was wondering if I should even continue making ship kids. I hadn't made any in a while, I hadn't updated this in a while (for reason already read.) but also cause ,I mean, no one rally reads this anymore and these characters aren't really something I go round showing ppl mostly just a few my friends I hang out with all the time know bout them cause feel comfortable telling them bout it. And I didn't want to just ditch the characters and do nothing with them anymore cause I rlly rlly love these characters and I love making them. Granted I can't always put all the details I want on them cause u can only put limited mount of detail on characters on gacha club but I do still love them and can always put the details into drawings (even tho ima shitty artist :b) 

I Rlly didn't know what to do so I talked to some of my friends on a group chat and they said I should continue if I wanted and other stuff, and I decided even if this book is pretty much dead and no one rlly reads it anymore ima still update and make these characters cause I love them. 

Okay~ thats all I really wanted to say. Sorry this was long O_O'

Bye spuds

Love u❤💚💚🧡🖤💛❣💜💞💙💓🖤💘🤍💖💟💓💙💘💘💜💌💟💘💖🤍🤍💛🖤🧡💙🧡💜🤎💚

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