Update (kinda)

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i don't even know if people still read this anymore but i'm kinda updating this book a little. Let me explain,

So since i started this book one thing i wasn't happy about was the quality of the pictures. They wouldn't look the best because i was taking a picture of the screenshots on my phone with the tablet i used to write on Wattpad. (I haven't been able to upload on it for a while cause it hasn't fully worked properly :b) 

The pics would be a bit wonky and the lighting would mess with the picture. Some weren't completely terrible and some were a little worse than others but i found a way to fix that. So now the pictures will look different because they will be the actual screenshots from my phone. 

The only one I won't be able to change is Jelix's (aka the first (But technically second) chapter because i don't have a picture of her that i want to use for the book so i'll just have to keep the one that's there now (and if i can sort that in the future, great. If i can't, oh well \0_0/ .) (And i guess the lighting's not the worst on that one so it's okay.)

After i've updated the already exsisting chapters, i'm gonna post some of new ship kids I made when it was still 2022 (God how is it 2023 already 0_0' ) but never got round to posting. Except for Nouu. She was made after Dune, but for some reason her chapter broken -_-

That's all i can think that i wanted to say so yeah, to all of you that aren't there, Have a great day, or night, Or whatever the fuck time it is where you are!

OH! Also, i finally got two of the unnamed kids named! The phoenixshipping kid is called........Phoenix! (I'm lazy and uncreative. sue me. (plz dont TwT) ) and the kid for Bugs and Wile E is called Wigs! (did u expect something original?)

LUVE YA SPUDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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