The Boy

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Jack's Perspective

It was someone yelling for help. It sounded familiar.

"Help! Please!"

I turned around to see the boy that was in my dream. He had the same clothing he had on in my dream. He was covered in gashes and wounds. He was running towards me.

"Help! They are going to desecrate me!"

He was crying. I opened my arms out to him and he ran into them holding onto me tightly. I looked around and saw 3 older disgusting men. They ran in our direction. I pulled out my knife and they stopped in front of us. The boy whimpered. He stuffed his face into my chest. He was shaking.

"Hey, freak! Give us the boy back!"

One spoke harshly. I kept my knife in front of me.

"No. Why do you want him anyway."

It was more of a command than a question.

"He's worth a lot of money. I suggest you give him back before you get hurt."

Another one spoke. Get hurt? I'm already tired of this. I moved the boy behind me and chased them down. They struggled and screamed a lot. I managed to kill them. I ran back to the boy and took my jacket off. I put it on him and zipped it up. It was large on him. I picked him up and headed back towards the mansion. I held is beautiful frame close.

"My name is Jack."

He was quiet for a moment. Then he looked at me.

"My name is (y/n)... Thank you. Thank you so much."

He sobbed.

"Sh sh sh it's ok. I'm just glad you're ok."

I spoke gently trying to calm him down. It seemed to work.

Eyeless Jack x Male ReaderМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя