The Death of Me

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Your Perspective

I woke up. I felt weak and warm. My eyes opened. It was blurry. I blinked a few times and rubbed my eyes. My arms felt like jelly. Once my vision was clear, I noticed I was in a bed. A large bed. It wasn't mine. I haven't had a proper bed in who knows how long. It reminded me of Jack offering me his bed and allowing me to sleep on it. He was so kind to me.

I looked around the area I was in. It was a large lavish room. I sat up. My head began to pound, but the pain stopped after a moment of adjusting. How long was I out? I heard creaking and looked towards the sounds. a large door opened to reveal a man. Scars took up a lot of his face. He looked tired. He looked at me and formed some sort of smile. It didn't seem real. He spoke.

"You're awake. Good. He will be pleased to see you consious."

"Who? Where am I exactly?"

"Zalgo. Your fiance? I'm suprised he found someone as good looking as you to marry him."

"Fiance!? I don't have a fiance. I feel like I would remember a name like Zalgo and him proposing to me."

He looked at me confused for a second. Then it turned into shock and concern. He seemed to pitty me.

"Well...It doesn't matter anyway. You have no choice."

No choice? But why? Am I just stuck here with this Zalgo guy. He doesn't seem all that bad. Right?

"But I'm not ready to be married. I also don't even know who Zalgo is."

Something in his eyes changed. They seemed more evil than I remember.

"Too bad. We are all stuck here. Now shut up and get out of bed."


"No more questions! follow me. He wants to see you."

He was fine before. Why did he get so...angry? I got out of the bed and stood up. I think I stood up too quickly, because I fell seconds after. The man bursted out laughing. He was making fun of me. It was then that I realized I had no clothing on. I covered myself with embaressment.

"Do I need to carry you? Get up! You look pathetic. I don't know why he chose you."

His eyes changed again. They looked more normal than before. He looked upset with himself, but began to walk away.


I called after him and stood. I followed him through large hallways. We passed many doors. Some had strange noises coming out of them. Others sounded more like screaming. Am I going to tortured again? Why would this Zalgo guy marry me? I was so confused and tired. I just wanted to go... who am I kidding, I don't have a home. We made it through some large swanky door. It lead to a throne room. The demon I saw before was sitting on the throne. Was this Zalgo? He's crazy to think I would marry him after he threatened to kill my saviour! We stopped in front of him. I really wish I had some clothing. But it seemed too warm for clothing. I was sweating from the heat...or...was it becuase I was tired? I felt sticky either way. I wanted a nice bath. As if he read my mind...or smelled me...the demon spoke.

"Liu will prepare you a bath."

Liu? The man that led me here nodded.

"Yes, sir."

His name is Liu. At least I think. Liu walked away somewhere in the masive maze like building. Zalgo startled me with his voice.

"What a great view."

I looked over to him staring me down. He devoured me with his eyes. I shivered. This will be the death of me.

Jack's Perspective

"Jeff will help you find him. My brothers and I will be searching in more diffucult areas."

Slenderman did not just assign Jeff to help me find (Y/n)! Jeff was the one who tried to kill him! But I knew better than to abject. I sighed. I looked at who I thought was a good friend. He was just playing with his knife without a care in the world. Slender banged his fist on the table to get Jeff's attention. Of course he wasn't paying attention. He jumped and looked as Slenderman with even wider eyes.

"I said, you will be assigned to help Jack find (Y/n)"

Jeff nodded quickly. Slenderman sighed and stood up.

"You may start searching."

We stood up. As we were walking out of the mansion, Jeff put his arm around my shoulders.

"Still budies, right?"

This will be the death of me.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03, 2023 ⏰

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