Struggle For Acceptance

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Jack's Perspective

We made it to the mansion. (Y/n) fell asleep in my arms. He was so precious. Why would someone hurt him? That man said he was worth a lot of money. What did he mean by that? I lifted my mask a little to reveal my mouth. I gently blew on his face to wake him up. He squirmed a little, then his eyes fluttered open. He still looked tired even after a decent nap. I pulled my mask back down.

"We're here, sweetheart. I want you to be awake and alert for this."

I set him down as if he were a delicate flower. I kept my hand around his waist. I opened the door and walked in, keeping him close to me. Everyone that was in the living room looked our way.

Your Perspective

Jack squeezed me closer to him as people in the room looked at us. They seemed confused and surprised. I heard a bit of static in my head. It made me feel queasy, causing me to lean into Jack.

"You ok?"

He asked with concern and gentleness. Before I could respond a tall man in a suit with no face walked in. Jack seemed to tense. His hand moved from my waist to my hip. He squished me into him even more and squeezed my hip. He didn't seem to fully realise what he was doing. The static grew louder and made my eyes tear up. My face was warm from Jack's actions.

"Child, why have you brought someone new over. You know the number one rule."

The faceless man's voice was deep and slightly raspy. It sent shivers down my spine.

"I know. But he needed help. And he obviously isn't human. He can join us."

The static was overwhelming after Jack said the last part. I sobbed. I could hardly see. The tall man spoke again.

"You realize we can't trust him. He might be a spy who was sent by one of our greatest enemies."

Jack noticed me crying.

"Slenderman! Stop doing that to him! You're hurting him!"

Jack held me in a protective hug. The static died down. Then it was gone.

"Fine. He doesn't seem to be a threat from what I analyzed in his mind. But he will have to become a proxy."

Jack seemed to not like the sound of that.

"At least let him rest and have his wounds heal."

Slenderman nodded.

"Of course."

He disappeared from the room. Jack lifted me up and carried me towards some stairs. Everyone was still looking at us. Some even seemed angry or annoyed. He took us to a room. He shut the door behind him and laid me down on the bed. He wiped away any remaining tears that were on my face.

"It's ok, sweetheart. You will be staying here from now on. I promise to protect you."

It made me feel better about the stares. He unzipped the jacket he had put on me and took it off of me. I sat up as he walked away into a bathroom attached to the room. He came out with some bandages and medicine. He carefully cleaned my wounds. He stitched some of the gashes that needed it and wrapped my wounds gently. He was so kind to me. He gave me some pain killers. Once he was done he put the jacket back on me and laid me down. He put the blanket over me.

"Get some rest. You need it, sweetheart."

I nodded. He walked to a desk and pulled the rolling chair near the bed. He sat down and pulled out a phone. He looked at me.

"I will stay here with you as long as I can."

I smiled and closed my eyes. Sleep consumed me.

Eyeless Jack x Male ReaderМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя