ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟚

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I held my ax in my hand as I wandered around the streets. What had happened?

The wind blew around, littering the streets with trash and plastic, and the eerie silence sent shivers down my spine despite it being daylight. The sun shone, creating shadows that made it seem more creepy.

I was walking with my brothers, weapons in hand, and checking out the houses before collectively deciding to check out the workplace. The vast building was easy to spot, the light glistening off of it. We walked to the doors, and I kicked them open.

The pale, light blueish tiles looked plain and dull, the counter looked empty and the walls looked bare. It was silent, empty. Keo grimaced as his eyes darted around the area.

"This is pathetic," Keo muttered as he unloaded his gun, placing it back in its holster. "We're totally gonna die." Vi groaned. "We aren't going to die!" I grumbled back. "Listen, I can tolerate the both of you, but right now, you both are getting on my nerves," I growled.

"Love the fact you didn't say l-o-v-e" Keo grinned at me. I groaned, rolling my eyes as we stood still. "Well... what do we do now?" Vi questioned. I walked to one of the windows and looked out.

If it was silent and no alarms went off, no police officers or other people... an idea crept into my head. "Hey," I said to my brothers. We all locked eyes as the idea came up in their minds. "What do you think about a raid?" The words rolled off my tongue like candy, a smile creeping up their faces.

 "What do you think about a raid?" The words rolled off my tongue like candy, a smile creeping up their faces

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Before I knew it, it had turned into nighttime. The sky was a dark, deep blue and the moon was full, slightly illuminating the place. The streets were still quiet and the buildings were covered in darkness. The fully packed brown leather bag thumped against my side as I ran back to my siblings.

Now that it was quiet and dark, it became creepy, kinda scary. Using the flashlight, I easily made my way through the empty streets back to the spot we agreed to meet at. The yellow light from the flashlight glowed brightly, almost like it was the sun.

I haven't seen any animals or other living beings while we were here so I think it's okay. "Keo! Vi!" I called out to them. They sat elegantly on a shared black towel, their fancy-looking bags packed with things. There were a few plates of elegantly placed cookies and some drinks on the towel as they chatted and ate, with a flashlight on for some light.

I plopped down on the concrete floor and took a water bottle, chugging about half of it and then placing it back. "Hey, you guys," I said. I took out a can of spaghetti-o's in a can, popped it open, and ate it with a spoon.

"...What?" I asked my siblings with my mouth full. "You are such a mess." Keo pointed out. "Yea, well, I don't have the time to make sure everything is pretty perfect to eat it. It's food, just eat it." I responded back.

Keo huffed and looked at Vi. "What did you guys get from your raids?" he asked. We showed each other the thing we had gotten.

Vi: Kitchen knife, throwing knife, darts, a nerf gun, water bottle, those orb things you put in water and they grow (to put in the nerf gun?), nails, rope, rocks for throwing, and a flashlight.

Keo: Skin care products, makeup (two mascara and three lipstick tubes?), make-up wipes, hair products, sunscreen, some clothes, a camera, camera films, lotion, chapstick, a pen, a pencil, and a flashlight.

Me: Water bottles, canned food, food that won't expire, candy, a small notebook, pens, pencils, a book for entertainment, flashlight, my small blanket doll, five throwing knives, a sweater, utensil packets (spoon, fork/spork, knife and napkin in a plastic bag, mouthwash and an umbrella.

"Wow..." Keo mumbled. "You have a lot of unneeded stuff." I responded back. Keo scoffed and dug into his bag. "Excuse me?!" He asked.

"As an actor and YouTuber, it is important for me to look my best everyday in case I meet fans!" He held up some products and then took out some other products.

"You can die any day!" Keo declared. "Therefore one must look their best!" Vi giggled. "We're all gonna die one day." He said.

"I'm still so confused on why it's so quiet and why there are no people." I responded. As I said that, there was a sound.

Like a whirring sound. There was a bright light directly in my face. "Agh! Shit!" I quickly looked away and blinked a few times. The bright light shone brighter because it was dark.

𝕎𝕖𝕝𝕔𝕠𝕞𝕖 𝕡𝕝𝕒𝕪𝕖𝕣𝕤

The thing read. "Players..?" I said under my breath. What was it talking about? Was this the reason there weren't any other people around?

The screen turned blank white for a moment, as if loading what it was going to say next. There was the loading screen and it read the next words.

𝕋𝕙𝕚𝕤 𝕨𝕒𝕪 𝕥𝕠 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕘𝕒𝕞𝕖 𝕒𝕣𝕖𝕒

What...? The game are? I glanced at my brothers who looked equally confused. Not scared, not worried, just... confused.

I looked around and saw some parts of Tokyo lit up. There were arrows pointing at some places and it was weird.

I took a deep breath and looked ahead. "Let's check it out." I said confidently.
"Hmm alright..."
"If I die, I'm haunting you."

Sorry for the short chapter!

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