~Chapter 1~

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18th July 2019
Its annoying. Life is just falling apart. Does everyone live like this? Seeing my classmates doesn't seem like they also have the same life. Seems to me like they're out there living their best life having fun and all. Maybe I just did something horrible in my past life. Life is unfair though. Wish I could just die but not gonna try another suicide attempt (yeah I'm a loser who can't endure that much pain). Dear god, it's my 13th birthday. Could you please grant my one and only wish of having a great friend? I've seen in novels and movies that every girl atleast has an emotional support be a girl or guy I don't really care..........

Reading my old entries is actually quite calming. I stopped in the middle of reading because I didn't wanna ruin my mood. It's a beautiful day, let's not ruin it. It feels very good after venting all the shit in a piece of paper. Its my 16th Birthday and I feel childish reading something as asking for a friend or love interest. I feel embarressed but a part of me still wants that. Wrote that one when I was in 8th grade and now I just passed school. I live in dorms which feels freaking good.
This is the best birthday so far. I guess I got a good gift and now am no longer in that hell-like house. Feels really good. Honestly now too, I don't really have any friends but atleast I can breathe. Peace. Oh well I'll have to go now. Going to a University gives you lots of homework but I'm fine. I've alot of time in my hands all day might as well study as much as I can.
-End of my 16th birthday entry.

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