Chapter 18

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A/N: Hi hi! I have the lyrics to a song bolded in this chapter in the latter half, and it's the song 'Artistry' by Jacob Lee. I def recommend listening to it as you read! 


Lightning struck her spine, building a pocket in the marrow that cushioned the bones like hollow conductors. Something inside her burned and bit its way through her veins, vicious and all encompassing.

It had been a long, long time since she'd felt pain of this caliber.

Pain that was so utterly visceral shocked through her, lighting up every broken, raw edged nerve ending in a shower of white hot sparks that turned her stomach and made her lungs stutter sharply.

Bonded hurts so, so much..

The pain was a noose around her throat, cinching tighter until she could barely breathe through the way it wanted to obliterate her from the inside out as she fell victim to her Bonded's absolute cataclysm.

Was he physically hurt?



Aris forced her wings down in a barely controlled movement, her vision whiting out when another sickening roil of agony thrashed into her psyche, tearing at the Bond that tethered her to the country's number two pro hero with snapping fangs and jagged claws.

She reels from the potency of his pain.

Torrents of fire and electricity were being poured through her veins, forcing her beneath waves of crippling pressure that pounded a dull rhythm in the dimness behind her eyes.

Her world tilts dangerously and she's hissing between teeth that are clenched too tight, her jaws aching as she fights her way through his pain that surges across the bond they share.

Aris doesn't know what to expect when she lands gracelessly on the balcony that she always used to enter into his apartment, her wings tucking in tight as she slides the door open, staggering back when the scent of blood pulses out from the residence, coppery and metallic. Fresh. Golden eyes slide through the open kitchen and living room plan, noting with mild interest the discarded, bloodied fur-lined tan jacket that had been on her bathroom floor mere hours earlier.

But she doesn't see him.

A ripple of something dark and coarse slinks down her spine, the taste of bitter self hatred coats her tongue and then she hears him.

Wretched sobs, the hiccuping gasp that preludes a choked gag, the scent of salt and sorrow weighs the air down around her.

It's Heavy.


And so, so lonely..

Aris doesn't remember moving, all she knows is that she clears the stairs that lead to his bedroom loft in two bounding leaps before she's slipping into his bathroom, hands reaching for the tear stained face of her Bonded even as a calming purr echoes out of her chest, sinking to her knees beside her fallen hero.

"Shhhh," Aris croons softly — gently — as she swipes away the glistening tears from carving tracks of suffering into his soot smudged, ashen skin; she doesn't know what happened, but she knows without a single inkling of doubt that he needs her.

And that's all she needs to know.

Keigo lurches for her, desperate to feel something other than his worthlessness, desperate to feel the soft warmth of someone who was safe and well and alive. He wraps his arms around her waist, pressing his face into her stomach even as his body quivers and shakes as he drops his walls and gives in to his self destruction.

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