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Hoseok's POV

After dinner, I told everyone, except Jungkook, to meet me in Namjoon's bedroom.

At first, they thought we were in there to have sex, but I quickly shut that down and told them why I wanted to meet in Namjoon's bedroom.

"Most of you don't know, but Jungkook's boss is an asshole." I started. "When he got home from work, he told me that his boss was being very unfair, saying that he wasn't allowed to go too far to have his break, but his other employees can. He even threatened to fire him." I explained. "He was really upset by it, he had tears in his eyes." I added.

Jin was the first one to speak up. "I'm gonna rio that fucker's face off."

"No, don't do that...yet." Namjoon quickly said, putting a hand on Jin's shoulder and then looked at me. "Maybe we can talk to his boss."

"That won't work, Jin and I went there when we had to pick up Jungkook's car that one day and he was a fucking asshole the whole time." I said.

"Maybe we can get his boss fired instead." Yoongi spoke up.

Everyone looked at him, a little confused.

"How would we do that?" Taehyung asked.

"Easy." Yoongi said before pulling out his phone. "There's this website that I go on to look up people and their crimes. All I need is his name and I'll take care of it from there." He said.

"Wow...you're so evil...that's sexy." Jimin said, smirking at him.

I nodded. "Okay, but just in case Jungkook gets fired from his job, we'll need to help him."

"We'll cross that bridge if it does happen, for now, we need to focus on learning more about this boss." Namjoon said.


Jungkook's POV

I was in my bedroom, getting started on some assignments that I needed to finish, since I had an extra day to finish it now. My classes got cancelled today, which is why I went to work early today, which I'm regretting now.

As I was finishing up, I heard the door up. I looked up and saw it was Hoseok. I gave him a smile and went back to my assignments.

"Working on assignments?" He asked.

"Yeah, I'm almost done with them, thank goodness." I said, writing something down in my notebook.

"You must be really smart."

I shrugged. "A little."

He chuckled and walked over to me, climbing on the bed and getting behind me. I felt him start to rub my shoulders, which felt really nice, making me close my eyes and relax.

"You're so stressed, I can feel it in your muscles." He said as he continued rubbing my shoulders.

"To be honest, I am. I have college and my job, they're both very stressful."

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