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As usual, I won't be bothering y'all too much since the Authors Note kinda already did that. Just over here to say that I'm glad you decided to give this book a chance, if you were already a follower, or this is your first time reading any of my work, I'm just glad you gave me a chance. Nonetheless, there's not much I wanna say other than the fact that I hope you enjoy, and that I'm always open to any sort of criticism, so... Yeah.

And I also love reading comments.

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Hopes and dreams.

Much like many things, both of those walk side-by-side, hand-on-hand. One can only hope to have dreams, and one can only dream to have hopes. It is unusual for one to have both all of the time, as the world is tricky, and often, will kick you in the gut, and put you on your knees. And on your knees, is where most people decide to stay for the rest of their lives. Some, however, are put on their knees, and always get up to hit life just as hard.

But it is not about how hard you hit. It's about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward. How much you can take and keep moving forward. There are those who have enough, but regardless, life will always put someone on their knees, either soon or later. What goes around comes around, and that much is a fact. You sow what you reap, and what you reap, most of the time, is not a good plantation, or a fruitful harvest with many goods.

Not always one will have a good plantation, and most of the time, a lot of people focus on that one product for monetary reasons. Your farm will fail if you refuse to focus specifically on crops that bring you the most cash. Cultivating too many crops that are not economically viable will soon put you out of business because at the end of the day you will be struggling to recover from losses year in, year out until the farm finally crashes. It is common sense.

Farmers and plantations have to deal with Cope with climate change, soil erosion and biodiversity loss, and oh so many more problems. There are many stories of people helping each other out. A Brazilian musician once said "that stranger taught me that every stranger is a brother, today I know that by dividing, I multiply". And as witness, many will stand present when a farmer receives a helping hand from someone with less than they have.

One hand washes the other.

Riddled with plagues and problems, farms are not unlike humans, animals, or anything for that matter. Nothing ever was perfect, nothing is truly perfect, and nothing ever will be perfect. Riddled with diseases, even if not related to one's body or physical well-being, oftentimes, the plague-infested thoughts is where the problem truly starts. As people, we are not mindless, and as not mindless beasts, we think, and as we think, we all also act.

And those plagues, those mindful, intrusive diseases which oftentimes can drive someone over the edge, make themselves clear through our words, or actions, or our overall existence. It is not uncommon for people to see or hear about those who are projecting these same thoughts, actions, and plagues into others. Whether we care, know, or even if we dislike, they form a wall around us, all in order to try, and fail, to keep us all protected.

𝐃𝐎𝐖𝐍 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐑𝐀𝐁𝐁𝐈𝐓 𝐇𝐎𝐋𝐄 │  [M!Reader x Merula Snyde]Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu