Chapter 4

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[Chapter of random shit including the origami date cause I don't know how the plot goes]

Y/n had just finished getting ready for the date with Origami. He doesn't really trust her. Thinking she might just be leading him on to get him alone. So after getting ready he made himself a new revolver to take with him. Upgraded of course. He realized that any gun he had was stocked to the max with ammo that he could just summon. But after he uses it all the gun will disappear. He could only carry up to 2 guns at the same time. Save for lethal and tactical equipment. How does he know this? He unloaded all of his bullets at a tree.[Fuck Gaia] Cops were called obviously. But since they found no guns they couldn't really do much.

Origami had asked him to meet her at her house. So after receiving her location he head out. Didn't really take long.

He knocked on her door and she opened it pretty quickly. Rather then greeting him like a normal person she pulled him in and slammed the door shut. As she turned back around however he already had his Upgraded Python pointed at her head. "Cobra" Is the name he gave it though.

Y/n pulled the hammer back and she flinched at the sound.

Origami: ...

Y/n: This a trap?

Origami: No.

Y/n: K.

Y/n puts the gun away and she breathes a sigh of relief.

Origami: Do you want something to drink?

Y/n: Sure.

Origami nods and leaves to make it. Y/n takes the time to observe her house.

Y/n: Nice place..

Origami appears behind him

Origami: Thanks.

Y/n doesn't really react much. Fear wasn't something he really feels anymore. he is however, confused as to how she got behind him.

Origami: Drink.

She pushes a cup into his hands. Y/n notices the liquid is different.

Y/n: What is this?

Origami: Drink it.

Y/n: Seriously?

Origami: Drink. It.

Y/n shrugs and drinks it. Seconds later he falls to the floor. Barely able to move.

Origami leaves the room for a bit.

Y/n: How the fuck did I let myself get drugged?

Origami returns but Y/n is unable to see her. But then she gets on top of him. Wearing a maid dress.

Origami: I wasn't sure if your into this stuff but this is all I had for now.

Y/n: Why are you on top of me? What was in that drink?

Origami: Unimportant.

[Why do I keep accidentally writing Ozpin instead of Origami?]

She grinds herself on Y/n.

Origami: Do you like that?

Y/n: Maybe if there weren't fabric between us.

Origami: I can fix that.

Origami goes to reach for his belt but Y/n manages to lift his arm to stop her.

Y/n: Don't. Why are you doing this? I thought you were blackmailing me into a date. Not drugging me. It would make sense if you were trying to kill me... Why aren't you trying to kill me right now? I'm completely at your mercy.

The Original GangstaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora