Cracky chatfic based off of ep. 95/96

145 10 4

[Tags: Crack, crack treated seriously, plotless,  self-indulgent as all hell, Personal headcannons, charlet, this is very stupid im srry]

Brook: half an hour

Brook: half an hour chase

Brook: thirty minutes

Chase: Brook don't

Brook: chase

Brook: chase pls

Chase: Could you at least spell my name correctly?

Chase: Also you're the one who didn't knock

Brook: stfu


Brook: chase

Brook: ur paying for my bleach

Chase:  Brook it wasn't what it looked like

Brook: "It WAsN't WhaT iT LoOkED LIkE"

Brook:  do you think i believe that?

Brook: im sorry but SOME PEOPLE


Chase: Brook!

Chase: Scarlet's right across the room!

Brook: she literally cant hear us

Brook: we're texting dumbass

Chase: Well

Chase: I wasn't trying to do that with her!

Chase: I swear!

Brook: again u say that like im going to believe it

Brook:  why were you shirtless then?

Brook: why was she on her goddamn knees?

Brook: istg chase if you tried to force anything on her

Chase: I DID NOT

Chase: I get that you're mad at me but I would never do that!

Chase: Especially not to Scarlet!

Brook: okay okay

Brook: fine, thats true

Brook: but i still dont want you dancing the devils tango with Scar

Brook: just dont

Chase: Will you ever just listen to me??

Brook: no.

Brook: I mean imagine if Boss lady walked in

Chase: ?

Brook: ur mom

Chase: ...

Chase: BROOK

Brook: itd be worse

Brook: or not

Brook: idk, dont care either

Brook: just dont fuck Scarlet

Chase: I wasn't trying to do that in the first place.

Brook: even if u weren't the idea was planted in ur mind wasn't it?


*Chase stopped typing*

Brook: u know what

Brook: thats it

Brook: im done

Brook: the next time this happens i am immediately telling boss lady

Chase: you wouldn't...

Brook: and I wont

Brook: as long as you don't try to fuck Scarlet

Chase: I'm not even going to say something back anymore

Chase: I wont, I promise

Brook: u better promise

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