Finding the Truth

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( While the rest of her team and the four known blades. Arcee had decided to chase after the Witchblade user. It was during her team's discussion with Miko and June were Miko stated that June was a direct descendent of the original wielder of the Witchblade. With that information in mind and the fact that Jane was not in the main room with everyone else, had left Arcee with only one clue as to who the new wielder is.  She had hoped that she could try and talk to her partner)

"  Please wait for a second, I need to talk to you. ( Pulls up alongside the red-haired woman). I know who you are or at least, I know who currently wields you." Said Arcee as she and the red-haired woman stop in front of an abanded building. " ( Walks over to the abanded building and lends her back against it while crossing her arms and Looks toward Arcee as she transforms into her robot mode). An who exactly do you think wields my power machine and what exactly do you wanna know? Although if you don't mind. ( Taps her right ear)." Said the Woman. " hu, oh ya sure. ( turns off her comlink in order to prevent the rest of the team back at base or anyone else from listening in). Now, what is it that's so important you didn't want anyone to hear?". Said Arcee. " I want whatever we talk about to be between us machine, now tell me what you know so far." Said the woman. "I know that the person that wields you is my partner Jane, a direct descendent of your original user Masane." Said Arcee as the woman raises her right eyebrow intrigued. " Well then,  I guess you do know who it is. ( Closes her eyes and smirks before opening them again). Well then, you sure put all the information they gave you together quickly. I guess there's no point in denying it, at least not from you. Yes, my wielder is your partner and my descendent known as Jane. Though, I would advise you to be wary of the two that just joined your little group. They are a part of a group that has been trying to find me for a long time. They and the other two families have been battling over who would be the ones to harness my power. Though my descendants seem to have chosen to keep me away from themselves and those that would use my power." Said the Woman.

( Meanwhile back with  the rest of the team)

" ( Looks at the screen that is showing Arcee talking to the Witchblade user). What in the world does she think she's doing? She needs to back away from her. "Said Gen. " Hold on for a second there sis, didn't you hear her?  She just started how she figured out who the wielder of Witchblade is." Said Mara. " Why are they just talking though? ( Notices how they can no longer hear them after watching the Witchblade tap her right ear). What is she doing?" Said Miko. " Arcee just turned off her comlink. We can't hear what they are saying now." Said Ratchet. 

" What,  why would she? ( looks at the video and watches Arcee kneel in front of the red-haired woman).  Ratchet, get us a ground bridge to her NOW.  Somethings wrong with that picture,  Arcee is too trusting of her." Said June as She, Miko, Gen and Mara ran through the groundbridge the minute it was open.

( Back with Arcee)

"(  gets off the building wall after spotting a portal open to her right). Looks like we'll have to finish this discussion later. It seems your friends are coming.  ( starts to walk away before looking over her left shoulder towards Arcee). Till next time Arcee, though I would advise that you erase our conversation from your memory. We wouldn't want them to learn about what we were talking about now would we? ( turns her head away from Arcee). See ya." Said the red-haired woman as she dashes off. " ( Watches her run off as June, Miko, Mara and Gen run through the portal ). See ya, partner." Said Arcee as she walked through the groundbridge back to base ).

" ( Watches Arcee walk past them and through the bridge ). Um, ok then. ( Looks at Miko, Mara and Gen). I guess we're just gonna act as if she didn't just let her run off." Said June as she, Miko, Mara and Gen walked back through the bridge.

The return of the Bladed WitchOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant