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???'s POV

A lot different types of religions say that when you die, you go to places like Heaven, Hell, Valhalla, Helheim, Davy Jones' Locker, all of that sort of stuff.

Your probably wondering who I am, right? My name's Aaron Umbra.

And right now....I have no god damn clue where I am right now.

I'm just standing in the middle of a void. Just pure darkness that goes on for miles, no sounds, no floor, no nothing.

The last thing I remember being with my friends, Alex, Winston, Riley, Jack, Ryan, Hunter, and Nate. We've been together since we were little, we were orphans though, but we had a great caretaker, she was really nice and an amazing woman. When we got a little older, we were introduced to anime. There were all kinds of shows we watched RWBY, Akame Ga Kill, Hellsing Ultimate, Hellsing Ultimate Abridged, One Punch Man, and lots of other things. Though RWBY seems to be getting some bad vibes at the moment, but hey, that's what Fanfic stories are for. Makes me wish we had lot more exciting lives to be honest.

But anyway, back to what happened before. Me and the others were in Highschool, and we weren't you average teens really, considering that me and Hunter have red eyes, Nate has Sliver hair and Winston having sliver eyes.

But anyway, we were in our classroom, but then, some guy kicked the door and he had a gun in his hand! Everyone was panicking and he started shooting people! I was shocked by this suddenly happening, but I did something either some would consider really brave, or really stupid. I picked up my chair slammed him on the back, knocking him to the ground, but he got up quickly and aim the gun on me! I was about to die right then and their when Alex and Hunter tackled him and the gun knocked loose. Riley picked the gun and ran up to the downed man, that was still struggling with Alex, Hunter, and with me helping, she started to beat him the death with his own gun, probably didn't want to risk shooting us by accident. Brutal? Sure was. Necessary? Definitely.

The gunman finally stopped moving, Riley dropped the gun and and was shaking when she realized what she did, me and the rest of the gang tried to comfort her, when another one came in. The gunman was alone. His partner aimed his gun at us and all I heard was a bang and everything went black, and the last thing I heard was my friends shouting my name.

So that's all I can remember, actually considering what we did I going to take a shot in the dark and say either Limbo or somewhere between life and death.

???: "Aaron!"

I look around and I saw the rest of the gang!

Aaron: "Guys!"

I ran to them and we group hugged, on one hand I'm glad I'm not alone but on the other hand, stuck in the same situation as me.

Alex: "It's good to know we're all together still."

Since I introduced myself, I'll introduce everyone in my little circle. This is Alex. Pretty nice guy and does volunteering work for the Church, and no, there's no papists, as well as helping the poor and helps over look the orphanage. One time when went to Comic-Con, he dress himself as Alexander Anderson, with a bible and even Bayonets! He's pretty much kind of a catholic.

Nate: "Yeah, but you do remember that we're in god-knows where, right?"

This is Nate. He's pretty much a betting man and loves to play all kinds of card games. He's also a pretty charming guy and lots of girls love him, except Riley, she thinks of him more of a brother really. He also amazing at doing card tricks and throwing knives. One time, he threw a special razor card and sliced a GRAPE in half, and that's not an easy feat let me tell ya. He went as The Dandy Man from Hellsing Ultimate to Comic-Con.

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