𝖮𝖭𝖤 ; She'd take the world off my shoulders.

35 2 0

"Pandas?" I search for him in the call, nothing. I check discord to find out he left the call. What?


where the hell are you?
i just poured my whole heart and soul to you
and you leave me like that?
come on now.

please answer
its okay if you don't feel the same way
i just wanted to confess it.

hey hey hey bitch
its not funny

● Failed to send message. Hold for options.

did you just block me?
● Failed to send message. Hold for options.

I panicked. Worry heating up my body making me wrinkle my eyebrows, quickly hurrying over to me and Dream's messages. I sweat, nervous, scared, worry, whatever. I just wanted to talk with him right now.


i did it.
im so happy!!
oh no
sapnaps not sayinf anything!!!

I sighed reviewing our last messages, then asking him what happened with Sapnap.

If sapnap never texts me again, I'm gonna do something and its not good.

I hyperventilate. I reached for my purple water bottle but i end up pushing it resulting to my carpet and shirt getting stained with water. My eyes widen and thought of what to do.

I look at the clock reading 3:29AM, the ticking really gave me a sense of comfort, which quickly vanished when i snapped back to reality.

I was about to go and get a mop, yet a discord notification popped from my computer completely directing my attention to another thing.


sapnap blcoked me
ask him to unblock please

umm, he said no sorry

well please make him to!!
its okay if he doesnt feel the same way

im sorry
he said he wanted you to leave him alone

whay the fuck
is this reallt like, it?
jesus fuckinf christ
can we just talk, two of us
so you can stop being a messager bird

he said he really doesnt wanna


I got frustrated, why the fuck?

Not like this. I didn't want this to end by me, messing it up. I felt romantic feelings for someone who did not want me. Or did he? I don't know. Although I would if he texted me right now. I felt like i was dragging the whole earth behind my back with the way i felt stressed.

No way we end like this. I keep thinking to myself. We spent so much time together. If he left right now, I would like, die. Not really but it felt like it.

I sighed, leaning backwards into my chair. My eyes were watery and i sniff as the first tears of the night drops.

I jump into my bed burrying my head with a pillow.

I reach to my phone and tried so hard to text him in any other socials. Even in snapchat he blocked me.

i never should've said that

what were you thinking?

he hates you

I sit up straight. I looked forward to my monitor, zoning out at the sight of it. Thinking about how i probably looked dumb saying those things.

"Hi, i really just wanted to get in a call with you to.. um." I silently panic.

"What? Please confess your undying love for me now." He said it as a joke, laughing. But little does he know.

"Yeah, I was thinking about that actually. I- I really really really! like you. I admire you. I love how were so close to each other, How we fit together perfectly. I think this may be too far but I think I'm inlove with you. And look, I know were just young but, I feel this. I genuinely think we could stay together. I know this isn't a crush cause it isn't. I love the way you smile. You're cute but sometimes you're hot. I look forward to talking to you every day. I can't stop thinking about you. Your laugh is so pretty. Everything about you is perfect. I know i may not be but, im willing to take this chance. Its okay if you don't feel the same way. I can manage. So please, Will you say something now? Anything"

I awkwardly wait for him to say something. I felt a little bit of weight lessen on my shoulders but when he said nothing i got worried.

I talk again, "Look please say something. I'm nervous. Heres a more briefly explanation. I like you. More than anything. More than I like fries with ice cream. More than I like the color purple. More than sunsets. More than flowers. More than eating. More than styling my hair and dying it. More than I like rooftops. More than anything Pandas, and I say that literally." He remained quiet. Oh please I just need an okay or just reject me so I can get over this.

I wait but then I heard the discord sound, meaning that he left the call. A face of horror painted my face. Please no.

I jump up, going over to my computer but then I slipped on my water that i spilt earlier. Face first slipped. Not now. I swiftly stand back up succesfully sitting on my chair. Wiping off my face.

I ran into our socials to double check. It was really gone now. He really left.

I lied back down. I felt disappointment in my veins. What about everything? What about George? You know, He- he likes us both together, I think he ships us. What about Dream? Imagine two of his friends who used to be the best of friends avoiding each other. Although Kleya wished they were more than that. His friends and Her friends were the same. What about them? Bad, Antfrost.
What about the 6 years we spent together on Minecraft? Messaging late at night in discord, skype, wherever the fuck. Is that just gone? Is all of it is? Just like that? What about them, What about that, What about everything.

What about us?

wow guys its crazy

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