𝖳𝖧𝖱𝖤𝖤 ; She turned the rain to a rainbow.

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I join the call out of spite. So that is the story now? I was the one who didn't message AND blocked him? What the fuck is wrong with him?

I shake as I pressed the un-deafen button, why the fuck am i doing this.

Wasn't I just about to leave the team a second ago? I sighed putting on my headset, fidgeting with my hands that were trembling.

This is what I wanted wasn't it? To talk to them again? But why did it feel so wrong? I felt like this isn't the thing I wanted. But it was!

Should I turn my camera on?

No, they don't have it on so why the hell would you have it on.

Oh, George just turned his camera on.

I decided not to and finally start to tune in what they were talking about as I loaded in minecraft.

"KLEYA TALK" A loud voice catches my ears. I recognize it as George. "Hi kleya" A deep voice waved at me. Who was that? I dont recognize.

"hello guys! hi guys, hello guys, hi guys!" I nervously spoke, my accent coming through. I want to fall in a hole and die by the way I sounded. My voice was too fast but it was loud.

I don't know why im being so friendly. Wasn't I, mad at them for what they did to me? But I miss them.

A very, very quiet voice started to speak, "kleya." It was so quiet I couldn't even barely hear it. "hi." The silence was deafening.

I am so glad Dream interrupted it.

"Sooo, Anyone ready for practice?" I heard his smile in his words. It was endearing.

"Is anyone streaming? I dont wanna" I claimed, joining into the practice server.

"Uh, yea. George is." Sapnap confidently spoke. WHAT???? NO WAYYYY??????

Erase Erase Erase. I meant, Whatt??? He is talking to me. He's not avoiding me. He is listening to me. I heard his voice! I am in a discord CALL with him again. I didn't speak, zoned out of my mind. His voice sounds sweet. Deeper than the one he had all those years ago. My ears felt like they were blessed afte-

"KLEYA!!!!" Another loud voice greeted me. "W-What? What's happening?" I speak immediately "BB" George informed me. I didn't get it at first. "Whatt? I'm your BB George, and the only one. What the hell." Dream jealously said, wheezing. "Aww, I'm your BB George-y?" I teased him. That made me a little more comfortable to be here.

"O- What- No! Battle Box! Go. To. Battle. Box." He rolled his eyes throwing his hands in the air for a split second. "Okayy, If you say so, BB." I teased him more.

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"I think im gonna go now. Missed you guys!" I smiled in my words. I had an awesome practice. Sure there were some awkward silences but I think I'm ready to sit 3 hours with them, teaming, and doing stuff on the Championship. Me and George just clicked and it seemed like we just picked up where we left of off. Dream was so awkward with me. He feels bad probably, and I do too. We haven't spoken for long but I was still mad.

I didn't release my anger out on them and decided to keep it in. I was mad that they left me like that but once I saw that discord notification my world stopped and I was all gushy and smiling.

I missed them more than anything but I didnt wanna keep being friends with them due to the fear of getting left out again.

I swore that after this tournament I was gonna ignore them. My heart says No but Brain says yes. I let my brain do this one for me.

I felt hungry. I spent an hour and a half with them and I haven't eaten all day and so I decided to get up to do the cooking.

I walk in my kitchen to find my cousin, dancing? They was swinging their arms around and moonwalking along their feet. Talking to the moon by Bruno Mars was blasting through their phone speakers and I let out a small little laugh at their foolishness. I walt over to my room again, looking for my phone.

I opened it to see 18 notification but I went straight to my video camera to capture what Axel was doing.

I run back to the back of the door, silently recording them, laughing my ass off. They even sang a little. Funniest thing ever.

I finally decided to make them stop.

" What in God's green earth are you doing?" I put my arms in my waist, tilting my head to the side as their face went to shocked and embarrased.

"Ummm, Weed? Wait, No. Eating" They stuttered. I let out a laugh and told them to keep playing music. "I'm gonna cook, what you want?" I look into the fridge to see what we have.

"For Calix to like me." They looked at me straight in the eye. "I didn't mean that. What do you want to EAT?" I specifically said.

They've had this crush on this Calix a while back. I met him, he's okay, i guess.

I just don't want Calix to do what you know who did. Axel and Him reminded me of us.

I didn't get more crushes ever since I confessed. I just wasn't looking for anyone at this point. If it isn't him then I dont want it. If it isnt him then I can crawl into a hole and wait for the ants to eat me. If it isnt him I can wait till im 6 feet under.

"Just cook anything. I'm like so hungry I could eat anything" The teen complained. "You know, you can like, not wait for me. Just order something if im busy doing stuff." I replied.

They just rolled their eyes. "If i did your feeling would get hurt cause it damages your ego that you're soooo good at cooking." He replied back. Laughing a little.

"Okay fine then, order something. See?? My feeling didn't get hurt." I crossed my arms giving them my best smile. "Yet. I'm just ordering here, dont mind me." He stared at me tapping on his phone.

"Okay, actually tho. Is my cooking really that bad?"

feelings are for babies🙄🙄

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