Short story 1

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Grey POV

As we walked towards the end of the relictombs I glanced at her for a bit.

"You seem.. off today, Caera."

She lowered her head and widened her eyes in response. "W-Wha? Did I do something strange..?"

"No. You're just acting weird-.. forget I said anything."

Regis observed the situation with a grin that made me feel even more uncomfortable.

'Quit making this awkward, you're seriously gonna end this conversation like that?'

I sighed at the sarcastic wolf's comment.

"Something on your mind?" Caera stopped walking to look at me.

I stopped aswell and leaned to a wall. "It's just Regis, don't mind it. Although, I am kind of worried due to your attitude today."

"W-Worried you say? That's unlike you, Grey."
She seemed to blush a bit, atleast that's what Regis repeatedly told me in my head.

"Maybe wary is the correct wor-" Regis bit my leg stopping me from finishing my sentence.

'Christ, dude. Are you this thick headed? Just play along, princess.'

Caera looked like she wanted to say something this whole expedition, but she never did, everytime we weren't fighting something the mood was just..

'Awkward, embarrasing, confusing.'
For once, Regis actually read my mind and made sense.

'Look princess, I hate intruding but-'
You obviously don't.
'BUT she's clearly into you.'

Caera POV

He noticed! Did Regis tell him something? No. That can't be it, he's obviously terrible at reading others. Dear Vritra, he won't stop looking at me, is he going to say something?

'You're staring, princess.' Regis finally spoke and bursted in laughter right after.

"What? N-No! I just got lost in my thoughts, don't listen to this guy!" His pale skin turned red as he tried kicking Regis to no avail.

'Bahaha! You totally were, dude!'
My face lit up as that thought sinked in, but I pushed that away.

"Grey." I'm going to tell him. I gathered enough courage to do so, but my heart has been beating way too fast everytime we're close.

"Yeah?" His handsome face was still marked by the redness of his cheeks, it was too cute to stand.

"You know.. I..." My heart feels like it's gonna jump out of my chest, it's almost like he can hear it beating.

Regis wagged his tail with a smile like he was expecting something, he knew what I was about to do. Maybe he told Grey something, since his face is now completely red.

"I.." His eyes were locked into mine. My breathing is blatantly irregular.
He knows.
He knows!!!

"I-I'm hungry.. do you w-wanna go get something to eat with me after this?"

I couldn't do it!

Regis' jaw fell to the floor. Grey seemed to calm down and look at the wolf like he just proved him wrong.


(Note: Really short and cheesy one, barely reached 500 words. I have another one that's already written so I'll post it later probably)

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