Walk Away.

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If you ever fall out of it one day,tell me.Tell me as it is.No sugar coating, no explanations.For love doesn't need to be explained.It is this strange feeling that can only be the lovechild of chaos and madness but still feels so simple when its there.I don't want to know if it was you or me, I don't want to know how and when it happened.I just want a goodbye.A closure.A seal on a yet another misadventure.That's it.Don't tell me you wish things could have gone a little better.Or that's you wish nothing but the best for me. That's too cliché even for you.Just hold me one last time.But not too long.And tell me that's it was fuçking amazing while it lasted.And then let me go.Don't look back at me or give me that one last sigh of longing.Just walk away.

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