Author's Note. [ IMPORTANT]

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This is more of a self note rather than an author's note.

I know I have been neglecting and basically abandoning this book for quite sometime now.

And I have always blamed it on me being 'uninspired lately' or the plain ol' 'busy'.

But the thing is,I am neither busy nor uninspired. Writing has been something way more than a hobby for me. If I really love writing as much as I claim, I can never be too busy for it. As for being uninspired, that's solely because I have been trying so hard to come up with topics to write on. Writing should come to me naturally. So I am going to stop looking for inspiration when it's right in front of me.

So now that we have that cleared, this is how it's going to from here:

From October 5th ( I am currently having my exams), I am going to post every week. I may not like how it turns out. But writing is not about perfection. It's about those raw unfiltered emotions.
So whatever I come up with, its going to be posted here every goddamn week.

And not just here but I will also be updating my Tumblr,

and Instagram, musings_of_a_random ,
every week.

To sum it all in a nutshell, I will have three of my writings posted online on three different social media every week.

I know,sometimes ( most times) I will mess up. But please be patient with me.

If you're still reading this, I hope you have an amazing day. Even if it isn't amazing,don't worry. Tomorrow will get better.

Thanks for reading x

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