Chapter 1

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"you are nothing but a lowly ginger who took after her father!" My mother yelled at me for the million time.

"oh please mother why do you always have to compare me to my father? It's not my fault that father choose my other mother and not you."

"it is your fault! If only I didn't have a daughter first. Or else I would be ruling side by side with your father"

It's my bad luck that I was the first born... If only I was a boy so I would make mother proud

"you know other mother treats me like her own because she doesn't have a daughter." I say looking away from her eyes.

My family has always been... Well weird? I don't know how I can explain my family but just so you know.

My father met my mother first when my mother was 14 she was brought into the palace to be a pleasure servent to my father.

My mother gave birth to me when she was 15. My father was frustrated because I was a girl.

So my mother went through hell because of me.

And then when I was about 3 months old my father met my other mother.

My other mother was 15 and my father was 25 my other mothers name is Queen Vivienne I call her mother Vivi for short.

She always treated me like her own daughter because she only gave birth to 3 sons. I also have a little sister her name is Mary she is my own sister born from my mother.

My father always looks after me because I'm still in fact his blood.

My three brothers are Adrian also 15, Maxine 13, and the baby Filap 5 years old.

My little sister is 7 years old.

My mothers name is LiliBeth. Concubine LiliBeth.

I love all 3 of my parents.

"Amiera!" I hear my little brother and my little sister yelling.

My step brothers are everything to me.

"Well hello there Princess Astrid it's a pleasure to meet you again." my brother Adrian said bowing and smirking at me.

"oh its a pleasure to meet you too prince Adrian!" I say bowing back and giggling.

"Filap wanted to see you so I brought him with me." Adrian said rolling his eyes playfully.

"oh Prince Adrian is that you" my mother calls out.

My mother has always favored Adrian.

"hello Mother Lilly" Adrian bowed kissing mothers hand.

"it's been so long since I saw my little Adrian!" my mother said gasping

Adrian was laughing at me.

Rolling my eyes I turned to my sister and little brother.

"hi my loves how are you?" I asked both of them

"we are doing excellent your majesty" they always love to call each other names.

"King Alexander and Queen Vivienne arriving!" guards announced

"Father!" I ran to my father.

"oh my princess how lovely to see you!" my father says hugging me.

"hello mother Vivi" I said bowing.

"oh stop it come here!" she said hugging me tight.

"wow mother I never get hugs from you" Adrian says shaking his head.

"oh shut it you get all the love" Mother Vivi says laughing.

I can see out of the corner of my eyes my father and my mother staring at each other.

If you look at them you'll know they still love each other very much.

But what can my father do? It's the best for the kingdom.

To stay away from my mother because she is disgraceful for giving birth to 2 girls.

Maybe one day everything will change.

"Amiera you need to be more woman like." my father finally speaks.

"what do you mean father?" I ask puzzled.

"all you do is play with boys and sword fight you need to be more feminine." he says looking at my mother disappointed

"father all in doing is stuff I like doing..." I reply looking down.

Adrian steps in front of me.

"Father Astrid can do whatever she wants She is still in fact the future of this kingdom." Adrian says looking my father in the eyes.

"Adrian you know well enough to know that She will not get the thrown because she is a woman." Father says looking back at my brother.

"Woman are way more then you think Father." Adrian says still holding his ground.

"Adrian you really don't have to-" I get cut off.

"Shut it Amiera I'm sick and tired of how people treat you just because you are a woman." He replys back glaring at me.

"meet me later Adrian we need to talk" Father says turning his back and walking away.

"Adrian do you know how much trouble your in?" Mother Vivi says worried.

"Mother I know but someone has to stand up to him." Adrian replys


"Mother stop brushing my hair that hard!" I yell out of pain.

My mother has always loved to take care of my hair because I got my Father's hair color and texture.

"oh hush get used to it" Mother says smiling.

I really do feel a lot of pity for my mother.

It's just the fact that she can still hold her head up high knowing that half the people in the palace hate her.

Every mother has ways of disciplining their children and my mothers is Verbally abuse.

"Princess Astrid Lord Alexander sent me for you" a guard says.

My mother took care of my hair and let me up.

"What's the matter?" I ask the guard

"Lord Alexander didn't tell me the matter Princess" he replys

"okay then lead the way" I say walking towards the door.

"as you wish Princess" He says bowing and leading the way.

Hey guys!

I've decided after a very long time that it was time to finally write another book.

I hope you guys can all be patient with me because I'm really fucking slow in updating.

Anyways with the talk I just wish you guys will love this book.

It's my first time writing a historical fiction so it'll take a lot of time.


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