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Hi Pickles,
I think it has been about 9 months since I have last given a proper update to this story and I'm so sorry I haven't been updating like I said I would i have been sidetracked by other things like school because I recently just started a kinda serious year in British high school in prep for these really important exams and the end of our time there and I also got into a new relationship plus my mental health has been kinda of struggling lately cause of home life but for all of those waiting for the next chapter etrying to get it to you guys asap I feel so bad that I have disappointed you guys. Feel free to private message me if u just wanna talk with someone I'm not very active but I will respond. I know my supporters are very low atm but I really love guys because you guys are some of the things that keep me going seeing all of you take on different scenes really brightens up my day.Also I think of making a playlist for this fanfic so drop your guys suggestions .
Thanks for all the support Pickles 💕 🥒🥒🥒

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