zanes (previously) unwritten backstory??

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WARNING- vore and death incoming!!

A 23 year old giant hugged his 5 year old daughter tight, kissing her forehead lovingly. He gently pulled away and held her cheek with a, "Daddy loves you, sweetie."
"Wuv you.." Came her little voice, causing the father to coo quietly.

His wife stood just beside her daughter, smiling warmly and awaiting her husband's attention patiently. She finally got it when he rose, embracing her equally as lovingly as he did to his daughter.

"I'll be back." He spoke in a gentle whisper in her ear, his hands travelling up from her hips to her back. He gently caressed her, kissing her neck. He then kissed her lips, brushing her long, black, curly hair behind her ear.

The woman inhaled, as if disappointed about her mate's leaving. "I'll be waiting here." She spoke disdainfully, looking off to the side.

Zane, the husband in question, seemed offput by her behavior.
"I'm sorry, love.. I just.. really have to do this. I promise, I'll be home before nightfall." He swore to her, pulling her in again.

"I know." She inhaled again, looking into her husband's dark blue eyes with her own black, almost purple undertoned ones.

The male giant pulled away slowly, giving a sympathetic look.
"I'm sorry. I-.. I love you." He tried to remedy the situation.. but it wouldn't help much. He was still leaving.

"... I love you too." She leaned against the stone wall of the cavern in the mountain. It wasn't much of a 'house', but it was definitely home. It had all they needed; shelter, warm breezes, and all the space they needed for baby bearing.

The red haired man glanced to his similarly red haired daughter, pointing to his wife.

"Keep mommy safe while I'm gone." He instructed, and the girl smiled brightly and nodded, excited to have gotten a task.

Zane smiled and looked at his wife again, who gave a weak smile. He sighed and decided to just rip the bandage off, taking a step back before turning and finally leaving.

The giant was on his way to help some humans who had requested it, and he figured that since he had nothing better to do, and they didn't seem spiteful, he'd rather be on their good side than not. He left his family at home, only because if it is a trap, he'd rather only put himself at risk than all three of them. The giant walked for a few miles, before finally reaching the site. They'd wanted his help with some construction, and figured that his height of 151 feet would be useful for reaching things that cranes couldn't.

The humans promised that in return, they'd leave his family alone and wouldn't come too close.. but he wasn't sure he trusted that. And that's the reason he left them.

Things had been going pretty great; he helped build some stuff and it was a lot less time consuming than he thought. He was being pretty quick about it, doing what he was told and helping whenever necessary. All in all, though, he knew these humans could've accomplished something so simple on their own.

That led the man to believe there was some alterior motive behind their asking. He kept quiet about it, though... putting his naiive trust in their word.

It was almost 4 PM when he was close to being done that he heard ear-piercing screams from deep within the forest. He knew a human couldn't make a noise that loud, and he'd recognize those voices anywhere. The panicking adult voice was his wife, who seemed concerned about their daughter, whose screams had ceased.

Instantly, the husband and father dropped what he was doing, making his way toward the sounds. Rarely did he ever run; he never had to. He could make 10x the time a human could running just by walking briskly.
But this time? The man sprinted, ignoring any poor thing in his path or under his feet. Both screams had stopped by the time he got close, and his fear grew by the millisecond. Flattening trees and shrubs, the giant ran back home, where the horrid scene took place.
His daughter lay still, bloodied and lifeless, on top of his equally lifeless wife. Their eyes had been pierced through, bleeding out as if they weren't even there. Both faces looked horrified, and traces of tears were visible on their white faces.

Zane's heart stopped for a moment before he realized what happened. He barely had time to see if, by some miracle, one of them still had some breath, before he himself was attacked by the perpetrators. Flaming arrows shot into his face, stabbing one eye and just barely missing the other. Rarely has he felt the need for vengeance. He never thought it necessary to deal what was dealt. He figured God or karma would do that.
But he really wanted to taste the blood of the murderers.

The giant snagged a zip line from one, pulling it down and immobilizing the human attached to it. He dropped it and the human, not even thinking before grinding his now bloodied boot on the poor, unfortunate slayer. Just a fraction of his weight was enough to begin to hear the bones crack beneath.

His eye bled and twitched, disliking the hot arrow head stabbed into it. Zane took the moment to pick the pin-sized arrow from his eye, unable to see much of anything through the blood and involuntary tears.

At this moment, the giant felt nothing but pure rage as he began dispatching the slayers, one after the other. There were a total of seven, five of which he killed in some creative way. The sixth one, however, he held in his fist, allowing him to see the damage he'd done.

The giant stared at him without saying a word for a few seconds, before he suddenly flipped the human upside down, holding him by his ankles. Zane lifted the poor human up, dangling him above his open maw. Inside this mouth grew a plethora of razor sharp teeth, designed specially to grind meat and bones down into bits. In the middle lay a long, soft tongue, coated in a layer of saliva ready to lube the body up in preparation to be swallowed.

Zane was silent as the human screamed and begged for his life. Throwing things out like 'I have a family', or 'I'll do anything you want'.
Zane, however, was far beyond bargaining.
The giant mercilessly slowly lowered the man into the dripping cave of a mouth, letting him touch his tongue before dropping him inside. The man landed on the wet muscle, whimpering and crying to be set free. The giant refused, closing his lips around the human and ignoring his pleas.

The tongue played with the human, tasting him and coating him in layer after thick, slippery layer of saliva. It felt disgusting, and the man shook with intense fear for his life.
Zane's eyes closed as he took in his taste. He slowly pushed the man between his teeth, threatening to crush him. The sounds that came from that action amused the giant in a sick, sadistic way as he toyed with his prey. The man was pushed out of the way just before the teeth snapped shut, crushing anything between.

Unfortunately, the man's hand had yet to escape the danger by the time the teeth clamped together, destroying and mutilating it and sending extremely intense, shooting pain signals up his arm and through his entire body. The screams that followed were blood curdling, but Zane felt nothing but pleasure as he felt and tasted the hot, metallic blood from the human's destroyed hand.

The cries were constant as Zane practically milked the blood from the man's open wounds. He finally ceased the teasing after a good minute, and tilted his head back in preparation to swallow the man alive. He nudged him toward the back of his throat, and the man still continued to beg and squirm inside his wet, mushy prison.

The giant finally swallowed the man with an audible "glrk!-", sending the man plummeting to his demise inside the giant's digestive system. Down the esophagus he went, and once through there, he fell into a low pool of burning acid. Everything burned inside the stomach. It was extremely hot, and the air was contaminated with acid gas. The acid began to burn up his skin instantly, and breathing only burned him from the inside out. It didn't take long for the little human to die inside of the giant's stomach.

Outside, Zane felt content for a moment. That is, until his eyes opened to reality and the grief flooded his body like a tsunami.

He staggered toward his fallen family, kneeling beside their bodies and placing his hand on the side of his wife's cheek. It wasn't long before he felt the stinging sensation of oncoming tears.

In a single night... everything he held dear had disappeared. His wife, his daughter... and his tolerance.

AHH- i wrote this like a month ago and was debating whether or not to upload it 💀💀
but meet the backstory of my main giant, zane!
maybe i'll write more of him sometime idk ok bye-

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