Celebrity Husband

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Chapter' 13


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Celia's Pov

"So you're picking him up?"  Maude asks me, her brows slightly knitted together.

"Yeah, apparently todays the day he meets the cast, then get his script" I tell her as I hang up my apron.

"Damn Celia, how does it feel to be married to a celebrity?" She looks at me, patiently waiting for my answer.

"I mean theres so much of his life hidden from the world, I think they don't even know he's married" I look at her, my brows tightly knitted.

Come to think of it, they probably don't know he's married. Which makes me feel somewhat relieved, considering I hate attention and I see the hate girlfriend's get just because they're dating somebody.

"I like that though, I like that people don't know I exist. Plus knowing me, I'd cry if somebody said something mean to me" I point out.

"Yeah I guess that makes sense, its just kind of crazy in a sense" Shs tells me, picking up her bag.

"It is crazy, yeah. Well I have to pick up my celebrity husband so" I shrug my shoulders.

"Oh my gosh Celia be careful, the paparazzi might mob you for dating him" Maude tells me while laughing.

"Shut up Ashton, say hi to Avira for me" Giving her a hug as we lock the cafe doors.

"Of course, drive safely okay. I love you Celia, see you tomorrow" She tells me as we pull away from our hug.

"I love you too, be safe okay?"

"Always, Celia"

A/N honestly sorry for not posting earlier, I've been kinda bussy busting my ass of in school so sorryyy for not posting.

also omg the "eddies song" thing like wtf. anygay I'll try and keep up with posting but i am very bussy with school, I'll try though so dont worry<3 xoxo.

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