<Chapter 1>

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A/N: This book will be updated every other week to balance out with Enemies of Yesterday. It will also be updated every Friday at 4:00pm EST but this system will hopefully allow me to keep a backlog of chapters ready without having to burn myself out. I really want this story to work out for once so I'm trying this to see how it goes.

The buildings looked extremely intimidating as I weaved my way through the mass of people and slow-moving cars. With everyone moving in and saying their last goodbyes to their parents before they leave, it created a large crowd that was almost impossible to get through. Glancing down at the phone in my hand, I reread the text showing on the screen. I then raised my head and searched for the sign displayed in the picture.

It normally wouldn't be hard to locate it but, dare I mention them again, the crowds make it difficult. I typed out and sent a quick message, asking for a picture of the closest building. I would have a much easier time finding a building to pinpoint the sign than I would aimlessly wandering in hopes of stumbling across it.

Only a minute after I sent the text, a picture popped up on the screen. I tapped it and zoomed in to figure it out. The sign was off in the corner of the image and the building behind it was labeled Sierra Hall. My head lifted and twisted to find the residence building. It stood diagonal from me. From there, I scanned the area and found the sign first mentioned. I beelined straight for it, bumping my way through the crowd.

With how easily I bruise, there's bound to be a few by the end of the day. It only took me about five minutes to reach the sign where I found who I was looking for. She was looking down at her phone, most likely reading something. Grinning, I walked up to her. She raised her head just as I opened my arms to go and hug her. She smiled back and returned the hug.

"Feshuna! How're you doing? Did you get all your stuff moved in yet?" I asked, pulling back.

"Yeah, I have to unpack and organize everything but it's all in my dorm. My mum already left I think."

"All right. Do you want some help with moving furniture around or anything?" I glanced up at the dorm building behind her.

She shook her head. "I don't think so. It's all small stuff that I can move by myself. Thank you, though. Do you need help moving in?"

"I only have a few boxes with stuff in them. I didn't bring any furniture or anything."

She hummed as she narrowed her eyes and her lips turned up. "Ok, so what should we do?"

"We can always go walk around in town. I have a feeling this won't die down for a while and it's hard to get through these crowds."

"Sure. We could go get lunch since it's almost one," she suggested.

"What do you want to eat?"

"What do you want to eat?"

I shook my head. "Woman, what do you want to eat? I'll eat whatever. Choose what you want to and we'll find some place to go."

"But you should also get to chose so you should decide where we go," she argued.

"I'm fine with whatever. Where do you want to go?"

She shook her head and crossed her arms stubbornly. "So stubborn."

I couldn't help but laugh. "Says you. Whatever, we'll decide once we see our options. How about that?"

"All right, I guess that's ok." She rolled her eyes dramatically and laughed.

I laughed with her and we began pushing our way through the waning crowd. As we walked, I watched the people move by with a hint of anxiety tightening my chest. It was a lot of people and I wasn't used to the crowds. Now that I wasn't focused on something else, I nervously watched the people who passed by.

I hooked my arm with Feshuna's as we walked, asking, "So have you made any new friends yet?"

"No, not yet. I haven't even seen my roommate yet. I took a couple flyers for some clubs. You should definitely join some with me. They have a book club." She showed me a stack of folded papers she held with her phone.

"I'll see. I'll try to join the book club with you but I don't know what else they offer so I'll have to see."

"Me too. I only visited a couple booths since it was really crowded. Maybe we can do that later when it calms down? It may be too late then but it doesn't hurt to check."

I hummed in response. "If they have any painting clubs, I think I may join one. Or maybe like a computer science club."

"I'm thinking about theatre or maybe choir. Maybe both. Definitely marching band. I'll have to look later."

"We can always check the website while we walk around. They normally have a list somewhere about what they offer."

"Tis true. But we'll still have to go and grab a flyer or application at the tables."

I nodded in agreement as I pulled my phone out. "What about you're classes? Are you still gonna do psychology and music therapy?"

"Yeah, but I think I'm going to wait until I'm working on my majors classes. Right now, I want to get the normal classes out of the way. What are you majoring in again?"

"Um, I'm looking at computer science. I'm not entirely sure it's what I want to major in but I like it and it comes easily to me."

"Are you minoring in anything?" She looked over at me as I typed away at my phone.

I shook my head. "No. They don't offer much in minors. I think I did see a minor for learning ASL, though. You can always do that if you want."

The center of shops and restaurants drew closer until we were walking along a row of buildings. It wasn't as crowded as the campus was but it was still stifling. We made our way through the foot traffic until Feshuna hooked her arm in mine and tugged me in the direction of one of the stores.

I caught a quick glance at the sign as we entered and shook my head, grinning. It was essentially a Disney store.

As we walked around the store, stopping every so often, I asked, "So, has anyone caught your eye yet?"

"Nope, I haven't even gotten to meet my roommate yet. But the guys who helped me bring my stuff up to my room were nice."

"That's good." She stopped and was staring at a little Winne the Pooh teacup set. "You like it?"

"Yeah, but I have to go unbox all of my other stuff. I don't need it right now while I still need to figure out where all the other stuff will go." She sighed and smiled.

I glanced at the price tag as I hooked my arm in hers. "Come on. Let's go find some food. Any preference?"

"Whatever you want."

I groaned. "Not this again."

Then I laughed and walked out with her. We ended up going for sushi and ate for an hour and a half. A good portion of that time was spent talking and catching up on things we missed over the summer.

When we finally left, it was to go set up our dorms. We split ways once we reached the campus and I made my way up to my building to find my room and roommate.

Catch Me If You CanTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang