<Chapter 7>

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The moment I stepped out of the buiding, I dramatically sucked in a breath. To put it as nicely as possible, I strongly dislike Mrs. Templeton and her ways as a professor. Choosing to throw it to the back of my mind until later, I instead focused on the idea of food in the dining hall. While it was after lunch and way too early for dinner, I was hoping there may be some snacks for me to pick up.

At least I didn't have to worry about any more classes for the day. I doubted that I'd be in a good mood after my literature class. Though, now that I thought about it, I pulled out my phone and found the Grade My Professors website. Typing her last name into the search bar, her name and the school was the first to come up. Without having to click on anything, it already showed her grade as a D-minus. I grimaced and clicked on it to see the reviews she got from past students.

I scrolled past the ones that didn't have any comments and found one that said, "Mrs. Templeton is the worst teacher I've ever had. She is the only one who forces kids to take notes and do assignments on paper when all of my other teachers allow us to use computers. She tells everyone that she hates technology and hinders kids from learning. Not to mention if you're even a second late turning in a paper, she'll turn around and feed it to the shredder. Her normal weekly classwork is absurd too. She wants you to write a paper every week at least five pages long and hands out daily grades that are due by Friday. She's unfair and overworks her classes. I'm telling anyone who has her to move to another class."

I groaned audibly as I realized just how bad my literature class was going to be. I considered making a meeting with my advisor to hopefully change to a different professor but I was willing to bet, the others would be full or about to be full as students from her class switch over. Shaking my head, I closed out of the website and shoved my phone in my pocket.

I continued on my trek to the dining hall. If they didn't have anything that sounded appetizing, I figured I would go out and find a fast food restaurant to get something to eat.

When I reached the building, I noticed that a lot of other people had the same idea. The area was buzzing with students going in to find something to eat. I weaved my way past groups of students and students by themselves. I had yet to really interact with anyone else but it felt too awkward of a time to just walk up to somebody and strike a conversation.

I'm sure Feshuna would have no problem with it but it just seemed weird to me. Especially when most of them were trying to find something to eat or were already in a group.

Swiping my meal card as I stepped inside, I darted to one of the serving bars. There were a few kids in line ahead of me as I snagged some pudding and a small bag of barbecue chips. Choosing one of the tables outside, I set about eating my chips while adding all important dates for literature into my phone. Well, the ones she gave us. I'd have to make sure I didn't procrastinate too much on the daily assignments.

High school allowed me to slack off because there really was no set date for anything. A teacher would say one day but then push it back a week, giving me extra time to work on assignments I had forgotten about. Even if I missed due dates, I was able to make up the grade and get full points back.

College would be a different ballpark. They had set dates and made it difficult to bring up grades once you dropped too far or screwed up a big grade. I'm typically good with time management, I just can't get myself to do the work. It bugs Harley to no end that those two traits are so conflicting.

Hopefully I would be able to work it out this first year if not this first semester. Then maybe I'll have a chance the rest of my time here.

Finishing up the assignment dates, I moved on the the school app they had and clicked on the calendar to see if they'd have anything interesting in the coming days. I knew I needed to get involved with something. That was something Harley told me I had to do this year. He said it'd allow me to meet new people and possibly explore new interests.

I had grudingly agreed, knowing it was probably better anyway. From what I've heard, having extracurricular activities helps with time management. Next Tuesday, there's a whole event where all of the clubs and activities set up booths and allow the incoming freshmen to get to see what they enjoy. The fraternities and sororities will be there too, hoping to get kids to join up.

I had already said I'm not doing anything with them. It was too much money and from what I've heard, this campus' greek life can be rough on new members. If those two factors weren't in play, I would, just because I'd get to be a part of a sisterhood.

Thinking of the greek life reminded me of that party. Ripley had said it's in a couple days but I guess that means I need to buy a dress or something. I didn't think of bringing dresses with me when I packed because it was already getting cooler. The only things I have are a few skirts. Maybe those would work. Hopefully. I really don't want to spend money on a new dress.

I'll have to ask Ripley if she knows the exact day and if it's being held at the fraternity house or the sorority house.

I opened YouTube and let the shorts start playing while I opened my pudding and started eating. It didn't take me long to finish it and I quickly gathered everything, dumping my trash in the nearest trash can.

I needed to go drop my stuff off in my dorm and see if Ripley was done with classes for the day. If she wasn't, I'd go by the bookstore and buy the books I need so far. Hopefully they would be in stock. While I may not end up using one for my government class, something told me my literature class would be relying heavily on that textbook.

Wanting to see if that was true, I opened up Grade My Professor again and found her name, scrolling through the grades before finding one that mentioned a textbook.

'Good luck to anyone who has to have Mrs. Templeton. She is the only professor I've had that actually uses the textbook. You better read it from cover to cover because her quizzes are based out of it. You have a paper to be written? It better be using some sort of text from that book. Officially the worst professor I've had in my three years of college.'

Definitely need to find that textbook.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2023 ⏰

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