<Chapter 4>

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Still half-asleep, I reached for my phone, turning off the alarm. It was eight fifteen in the morning but it felt almost like six in the morning. I groaned and rolled out of bed, blindly reaching for the dresser tucked under the bed.

The top drawer rolled open and I generally guessed at the color of the shirt as I pulled it from the top of the stack. I pulled a pair of jeans from the second drawer and some socks from the third before creeping out to the communal bathroom.

It only took me ten minutes to get ready and drop my pj's off in the dorm, now heading down to the lobby while sending a quick text to Feshuna that I was on my way to the dining hall. She responded a minute later that she was also on her way. I was glad that the dining hall was nearby to all of the dorms. It made for a quick five-minute walk.

I immediately recognized Feshuna standing off to the side of the entrance, looking down at her phone. I smiled and called her name as I got closer. She raised her head and smiled as well. Hooking my arm in hers, we walked into the building and joined the sparse line of kids getting their breakfast. Coming early also helped to beat the rush of kids as the morning classes started.

"So, are you excited for your first class of the day?" I asked, releasing her arm to pick up a plate.

"Mhm, and a little nervous but that's to be expected."

"You'll be fine," I reassured, "I'm sure you'll make friends with almost everyone in the first fifteen minutes."

She laughed. "Maybe. Oh, and my roommate's really nice. We talked for a while after she showed up and started unpacking. She's from Hawaii and they had a bad rainstorm which was why her flight was delayed."

"That makes sense. I'm glad you two are getting along already."

We filled up our plates and found an empty table to sit at. I dropped my stuff on the table next to me and dug into my food. It was silent between us while we ate until I remember what Ripley had mentioned yesterday.

"Oh, my roommate, Ripley, talked about some party one of the fraternity's is gonna throw. She talked about going to see what it's about. I'd have to check with her but would you want to go?"

She shrugged her shoulders while she finished the bite she took. "I don't know. You know how much I love to go to parties. I threw one every day last year."

I grinned at her sarcastic tone. "I know, I just wanted to ask to make sure. This'll probably be the only party I go to. I just want to see what they'd be like."

"Yeah, I'll think about it. Mm, would you like to go to a church service this weekend? I found one close to the campus."

"Sure, does the service start at nine?"

"Yeah, and it'll go until twelve."

"Ok, I'll be there. Should we meet up again like we did today or should I meet you there?" I inquired, taking another bite of my breakfast.

"We can meet up again if you'd like." She shrugged in indifference.

"Ok." We fell into a comfortable silence, both of us finding something to do on our phones.

I glanced in her direction a few times to see that she was reading a book on her phone before returning my attention to the video of a speed paint. It didn't take either of us very long to finish our breastfast and return our plates to the kitchen. We made sure we had everything and that the table was relatively clean before leaving to find the buildings our classes were in.

"Bye, I'll see you later at some point. I expect to hear how your first day goes, missy," I teased, smiling as I hugged her.

"Hm, only if you do the same." She smiled back and headed off in the opposite direction.

I pulled out my phone and opened the campus map I had downloaded before taking the move up to the campus. It wasn't hard to identify which building I would be in and, luckily enough, it was close to the chow hall.

As I began making my way over to the building, I noticed more and more kids walking around the campus. Guess it was the time that most everyone started waking up for their classes. A few looked like me: head buried in a map, trying to find their way to their first class.

I paid them little attention as I approached the red-brick building my government class was in. My stomach trembled with nervous butterflies but I tried not to show it as I entered the cool building and eyed every room number in search of mine.

I found it halfway down the hall and breathed a sugh of relief when the door was propped open. When I poked my head in, I found no professor sitting at the front of the room but his or her stuff was set up at the small desk. Shuffling in, I took a seat at one of the middle tables and dropped my cheek onto my hand while pulling out my phone.

Opting to open Instagram, I scrolled through the feed, liking some art pieces and a few workout tips. I made a mental note as I passed more to find the gym later and figure out what kind of equipment they had.

I heard more students file in and choose open seats, most going for the furthest desks and a couple setting their stuff down in the first desks. It was almost dead silent since none of us knew anyone and weren't going to be bothered to make introductions just yet.

It got a little noisier, though, when a small group of guys and girls walked in. I lifted my head that time to scan over the faces of who entered. Without knowing anything about them, something screamed at me that they were all a part of some fraternity or sorority. Freshmen weren't allowed to make pledges to either until second semester so they had to be upperclassmen.

Which upperclassmen, I had no clue. Most of them were able to find seats close to each other but a couple of the girls weren't able to find open seats. I continued to scroll through my phone but I watched as the two girls took the open seats next to me and turned the chairs around to face the rest of their group.

They continued to make conversation, not caring when the professor, a middle-aged man walked in and sat at the front. He busied himself with turning on his computer and connecting it to the projector, letting a few last-minute students have time to find their way to the class.

Distantly, the bell rang, signalling the start of class. The professor stood and poked his head out into the hall for one last check before closing the door and turning to us. I turned my phone off and dropped it into my lap while lifting my head to give him my attention.

The group who had walked in earlier was still talking loudly, not paying attention to the professor. Seemingly unfazed, said professor brought his fingers to his mouth and released a sharp whistle which quieted everyone down immediately. Heads lifted to give him their full attention.

Sighing, he took his spot back in front of his desk. "There, that's better."

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