[ Trio of Blondes ]

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I enjoy the concept that Luna hangs out with Draco and Delia after the war despite everything that's happened. Just a fun trio of blonde teens who are traumatized :]


Draco was a master at ignoring people. So it was fairly easy to ignore Delia's constant pleading to 'just copy a smidge' of his notes because someone was too fucking busy flirting with Luna Lovegood during Potions Science.

"For the last time, Delia, no, I am not letting you copy my notes. It's your own bloody fault you weren't paying attention!" Draco groans as his sister nags him for his notes once more.

"Come on, I just gotta write down the ingredients for the last potion, help me out!!" Delia pleads with him.

As the twins continued to nag, Luna, who'd been walking beside them, giggled lightly at the squabbling.

"No hecking way am I letting you copy my notes! Your own fault for distracting yourself by staring hearts at the back of Granger's head!" Draco retorts in response, ducking away from Delia to save his notes from her grasp. Beside them, Luna watches with a soft smile.

They were an odd trio, that's for sure. Three heads full of the same pale blond hair. Well, almost the same, if Delia had chosen to keep her pale hair. Hers had darken over their years of childhood, from a bright pale blonde, to a muted colour of yellow. Draco's hair had done the same, but he'd bleached it just a bit and casted a spell to keep it that way. Luna's hair was just naturally a pale blonde.

But anyway, they were still an odd trio. A group of estranged teenagers.

Before, it'd been Draco and Delia. Others would sometimes accompany them, such as Pansy, Crabbe, Blaise. But they never really inserted themselves into the duo officially. Not until after the war, when Luna had come up to the twins and talked.

Sure, she'd hung out with them just a few times before, for school projects and whatnot. But when Luna approached them after the war, battered and torn to the point of exhaustion, something in the twins snapped. Luna Lovegood was a family member of theirs and yet they had never interacted beforehand. It was always sneer comments (Draco) and slightly upturned noses (Delia), but it never phased Luna.

(They didn't deserve Luna's tender kindness, her soft touches, her forgiving smiles. Not when their actions were simply unreversible, undoable and unforgiving.

Draco remembers Delia breaking down, crying into her hands as Luna calmly hugged her and comforted her. Both of them were on the ground, the battle was over and yet their own was not. 

He remembers his own tears streaking down his face, hands clenching into his fists as he wills himself not to cry. When Luna hugs him, he only breaks down further.)

"What's the next lesson?" Luna absent-mindedly asks, breaking the twins from their initial fight.

"Herbology, I believe. Or maybe Plantology." Draco supplies, moving his arms to quickly sift through his book bag in search of his printed out schedule.

"Aren't they the same subjects?" Delia frowns.

"No." Luna and Draco answer.



"I might as well lose my appetite right here and now. Remind me again why we're eating here and not in my or your room?" Delia couldn't help but whine, poking at her food. It wasn't the food she was displeased at. If anything, she's prayed daily to God that she's grateful Draco can cook more than decent meals for the both of them. No, it was where they were eating.

The abandoned girls' bathroom.

"You know perfectly why, Delia." Draco rolled his eyes, sitting across Delia as he watched her pick at her food.

By lunch, everyone was buzzing with rumors of Draco Malfoy laughing at Harry Potter's joke. Apparently it was such a big deal that people were now cracking jokes whenever Draco made his appearance. Honestly, if Draco had to listen to ONE more 'Death Eater' joke or even a dick one, he might as well just smash his head onto his desk, no matter where he was right now.

Luckily though, no one ever seemed to come by here and today, Moaning Myrtle was either off exploring or she was just sleeping somewhere in the walls or the floors.

"Hello!!" Luna chirped as she walked into the abandoned bathroom, smiling as she always did.

Delia brightened at the sight of their cousin, so much so that it got the blonde to leap to her feet and warmly hug the other. Since becoming more friendly towards Luna, Delia was delighted to finally be acquainted with another family member who didn't gag or easily keel over at Delia's aggressive affection.

"Luna!!" She cheers, making Luna smile and giggle at Delia's enthusiasm.

"Hey Luna." Draco gives Luna a small smile. 

Yeah, he's still awkward around Luna. He appreciates the fact that Luna can just so easily forgive him for everything in the past, but it doesn't mean he acts any less vigilant around the girl. But still, he enjoys her company. After all, this is the happiest he's seen Delia since their early childhood.

"Sorry I'm late." Luna apologizes, "Had some notes to drop off."

"To who? Neville?" Delia asks and sets Luna back down.

Luna nods, "Mhm, his plant ate all his notes."

"Mm, not surprised." Delia hums.

"Anyways, how's class been?" Luna smiles again and sits down so easily next to Delia.

The twins exchange glances. They might as well just tiptoe past the fact that students alike have been yelling out jokes to Draco in their last class. Besides, Luna was observant even if she was day-dreaming and she was in Herbology with them, so she might already know the situation.

"Fine." The twins eventually say.

Luna accepts the rather vague answer and opts to start eating.

There was silence before eventually, they began to talk.

The conversations started off random, like they usually do. Draco sometimes adds in his own opinion when he feels like it, but he normally sits back and watches his sister and their cousin talk and chit-chat like they were normal teenagers.

The sight of it is almost enough to have Draco smile softly, partially hidden behind his spoonful of mashed potatoes in hand. It's been a while since he's last seen Delia talk so animatedly and even then she had to tone it down, lest she wanted to be lectured by their father about how uncharacteristic it was.

But now, without the weight of their parents' opinions on them, Draco could see Delia finally being her true self and not the haughty heiress she was raised to be. She smiled more, laughed openly and was getting used to showing more affection in public (not that she didn't before, just that her advances were quickly shut down every time until Delia felt discouraged enough to stop. It was a somber era when that happened).

Draco, on the other hand, feels content. Calm and steady in a way he's never been before. With a slight smile, he continues to eat in peace, Luna and Delia's conversation becoming a background noise in his head.

He could live with this. It was better than nothing.


Is it true that blonde hair can darken over the years?? Idk, I'm not a blonde and I saw this fact, so I decided to add it skdhdfkshflhk

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