Chapter 1: 20 Year Deal

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     17 years ago two businessmen met together in a restaurant to form a contract. One owns the company of a big and successful scented candles shop while the other owns a big successful shop of scented perfume. Both businessmen are interested in expanding their company into different market. They both see that combining their already successful company could only lead to better things.  They seal the contract and merged their companies, taking over both sides of the market as one of the biggest and top sellers.

   The two businessmen, Businessman Wu and Businessman Ji, went from friends to brother and were very close. Businessman Ji has a son, a year old, while the other is expecting a daughter. Since they both want their hard-work of a business to stay in the family they both decided that one day, as soon as their children are able to, they will be wed.

  Today, both the businessmen are still very close and hope their children will get married as soon as they complete high school because no matter what, they will eventually wed.

  They sit in the office to look over sales as they converse about their children.

BM Ji: Wu, you remember when we talked about our children being married to each other and taking over the business?

BM Wu: The times flies by fast. Only 2-3 years to go. We should really start planning. How is your son?

BM Ji: Aiya~ he is doing great in school. They are expecting to take the tennis trophy home again this year.

BM Wu: It's great to see someone so young being so successful. It makes me feel older and older but these children will be just fine.

BM Ji: How's your daughter? Our children have not met since they were little.

BM Wu: My daughter is trying to move schools because her school does not have a lot of school spirit she says. (laughs)

BM Ji: Great! Move her to my son's school. They are very big on tennis and all the students cheer at the games.

BM Wu: Actually, my daughter has already picked out a school quite similar.

BM Ji is curious: Oh, what school could that be?

BM Wu: Yu Qing. This is her second week already.

    At Yu Qing, three black shiny cars pull up to the school gates. A tall man steps out of the middle car and opens the car door.

   All the students stop and stare. It has nearly been a whole week of seeing all three cars pull up routinely 20 minutes before class starts and the new student, Wu Yaoguang would step out, thank her drivers then walk up the stairs of the school as the students make way for her, frightened to block her way.

   As what most do with new and unfamiliar things, they watched her, talked about her, and are also afraid to approach her. Some are more bold and try to get her attention but she never seems interested in being a part of their friend groups.

Student 1: I heard her last school was made of marble.

Student 2: I think her bodyguard knows martial arts. He looks intimidating.

Student 3: Must be nice to be born rich.

Student 4: She's decent looking 🙄.

Student 5: She seems stuck up.

    In class, she sits near the window. The seats around her are usually empty. Today, a classmate walks in and the class cheers for him. Yaoguang minds her own business until the student sits in the seat in front of her. The cheering classmates dies down and quickly went back to their seats.

    The teacher walks in and hands out a piece of paper. The classmate turns around and hands her the paper. Yaoguang accepts the paper.

Yaoguang: Woah~ his eyes. They're like a cool endless puddle of water. So round and kind.

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