Chapter 4: Date

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Ji Jingwu is dressed in a brown turtle neck with a coat over. He has a pair of jeans on that makes his outfit look more casual. He has a gift bag in his hand as he is greeted at the door by Wu Yaoguang's mother. Her mother gleams at Ji Jingwu as she talks about memories of when he was little.

Ji Jingwu notices a Yu Qing team jacket hung over a chair. He sees the name on it: Chi Dayong.

When Wu Yaoguang comes from her room, she is dressed in a simple long sleeve black top with a long and flowy yellow maxi skirt. Her hair is tied up in a simple ponytail. Wu Yaoguang announces she is ready but Ji Jingwu holds up the bag in his hand.

Ji Jingwu: Not that there's anything wrong with what you are wearing but I bought you an outfit. I hope you will wear it today.

Wu Yaoguang smiles lightly then looks over at her mom who urges her to kindly accept.

Wu Yaoguang: Alright.

Wu Yaoguang takes the bag up to her room and changes. Ji Jingwu bought her a dusty pink jumpsuit with a cute see-through sleeve. When she returns downstairs her mother raves about how beautiful the outfit it. Yaoguang knows her mother is just being nice bit it WAS pretty. They're about to step out for their date until-

Wu Yaoguang: Wait, I forgot something.

She quickly goes and grab Dachi's jacket and up the stairs. She puts it in he room for washing and safe keeping until she can return it.

On the way to wherever Ji Jingwu was going to take her, Yaoguang tries to stay cool and collected. She does not want to show a sign of hesitation. She is practically with a stranger.

Ji Jingwu turns to her: So, all these years, who has my fiance become?

Yaoguang: I'm just a normal girl and don't call me your fiance. It's still weird.

Ji Jingwu scoffs: Many girls heart would flutter at the thought of getting to be my fiance. You're the envy of all girls now.

Yaoguang also scoffs: All girls? Has it ever occurred to you that maybe you're not everyone's type?

Ji Jingwu cracks a smile: Am I your type?

Yaoguang turns the question on him: Am I YOUR type?

Ji Jingwu sits back in his seat: Girls have never been on my priority list. They always scream and gush. Offer me gifts so that I would remember their names. If I WERE to have a type though, you're not so bad.

Yaoguang is trying to calm herself. Ji Jingwu seems like a proud and egotistical guy but at least he does not seem even a bit pretentious. Yaoguang is being pretentious and she knows it. She just wonders if he knows she is trying to match his energy of I-don't-care.

Ji Jingwu sees through Wu Yaoguang. She mimics his behavior and speech. He knows she is trying to size him up. She is not exactly vulnerable with him. Maybe it's because he feels like for the first time, he actually has to impress a girl and it's not the other way around. Either way, he can tell that she is probably the ordinary, everyday nice girl with a little crazy and weird in her.

Ji Jingwu would not know how spot on he was. Yaoguang was just hiding her weird and crazy so she seems interesting to Ji Jingwu. She suspects a little crazy in him too.

When they arrive at their destination, it was a cute little street market. It was surprising to Wu Yaoguang that Ji Jingwu, a seemingly fancy guy, would bring her to such a home-y place.

Yaoguang: Oh! A street market?! I love street food.

Ji Jingwu: I thought it would be nice. A busy street market with a festive atmosphere.

Little did Yaoguang know, Ji Jingwu has been trying his very best to learn about Yaoguang's likings and dislikes. He would have his driver tail Yaoguang's the week before. He noticed she would sometimes walk and buy street food. He also learned that she strawberries when she would buy various tanghulu except for the strawberry ones.

Over the next hour, Ji Jingwu treat Yaoguang to various street food and tried many new items himself. He learned that Yaoguang was a foodie. She was highly knowledgeable about flavor profiles of seasoning and process of making food.

Once Yaoguang was full, Ji Jingwu bought her a bubble solution to blow bubbles for fun. They found a nice area to sit and talk.

Yaoguang opens the bubble solution and blows the bubbles. She smiles as the bubbles fly away.

Ji Jingwu: You know, you should smiles more around me. You look better.

Yaoguang stops paying attention to the bubbles and look at Ji Jingwu. She tucks her hair behind her ear.

Yaoguang: This is silly. We're only stuck together because our parents want a dream empire. I'm sorry you're stuck with me.

Yaoguang closes the bubble bottle.

Yaoguang: I don't want to ever think about marriage but we'll have to marry each other eventually. Of course, it would be better if we like each other romantically. But really, we're just acquaintances.

Ji Jingwu: Who said I don't like you romantically?

Yaoguang looks at Ji Jingwu and laughs.

Yaoguang: Wha- are you serious? We barely know each other.

Ji Jingwu looks off into the distance: I could learn to like you. (Yaoguang remains silent) I've never liked a girl before but for my parents and for our future; I WILL learn to like you.

Yaoguang: Okay. I've had no plans for us but since marriage will be a two people thing; I will learn to like you, too.

Ji Jingwu: Aren't we being good fiances to each other right now? You can be my Princess.

Yaoguang: Don't talk about us being engaged. It's weird.


The following day, Yaoguang returns Dachi's jacket back to him in class. She thanks him for offering the jacket. As she hands it back, the pretty girl from yesterday approaches them. The pretty girl has a finger twirling her braid on one side.

The pretty girl dramatically gasp: Wu Yaoguang, you- you dare take Dachi's team jacket home? How shameless. (turns to Dachi) Dachi-gege~ Wu Yaoguang is so shameless to take your team jacket. If others see then they'll think ill of you.

The pretty girl talks loudly to get the class's attention. Sure enough, everyone quiet down and listened to the hot tea happening in front of them. Some even take out their phones to record.

Yaoguang: Nameless girl, how dare you call me shameless!

The pretty girl: You think I don't know. I see you wear a different boy's jacket everyday. Do you want the whole school to know that you're a wh-

Dachi stands up: Don't worry. (grab hold of Yaoguang's hand) Yaoguang and I are boyfriend and girlfriend. I've been giving her my jacket so she stays warm.

At this announcement, the whole class simultaneously 'whoo~' at Dachi's publication of their relationship. Some girls gush as how cute they are. Some talk about how good a couple they make.

Yaoguang was jaw-dropped. Even their own relationship was a surprise to her. Dachi, with her hand in his, smiles at her.

Dachi: Let's go, niang zi.

CONTEXT: Niang zi translates to "lady" or "missus" and used to reflects a man's chivalry and respect for his girlfriend, offering a touch of charm and old-world romance.

The bell rings and Dachi guides Yaoguang out of the class, finger-intertwined.

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