Chapter 6: Mooncake

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It has been a couple of weeks since Dachi first falsely claimed that Yaoguang was his girlfriend. Yu Qing has done well in their games, defeating various schools. They are upon the week of competing against Xingyao and if they do well then they can look towards their next biggest obstacle.

Dachi walks with Yaoguang everywhere during school hours. He's always walking behind her or besides her. He's always offering to carry her books for her or offering his hand for her to hold. Sometimes when Yaoguang rejects his offer, he would still grab onto er hand and intertwine their fingers as they walk through the school halls. He would let go as soon as they arrive in the tennis clubhouse. Yaoguang would give a slight smile then go off to sit with Qi Ying and Peng Xia who were the only other girls in the clubhouse.

At games, Yaoguang would also keep up with appearances. Whenever Dachi wins a set with Jiale and finally takes a seat, Yaoguang would go and offer him a drink. Sometime, it would be a cold towel that she gently dabs on his face. Dachi would always look up at her with the sweetest smile. It made the student section squeal, mostly the girls.

Sometimes, Dachi has an impulsive thought. What if he held onto her hand? He wants to hold onto her hand. Everytime, he gets a queezy feeling in his stomach and he feels his face burn up. Whenever they are walking through school or whenever she helps cool him off after a match, he just wants to hold her hand. Whenever he thinks of her shy smile, his stomach feels queezy all over again.

Ji Jingwu has been messaging Yaoguang as best he could. Looking over their text, you would think they rarely ever talk but Ji Jingwu always tries to show up before her whenever she least expects it. Ji Jingwu sometimes spots Wu Yaoguang hanging out with the Yu Qing tennis team. Specifically, Chi Dayong. She seems so happy with him. Ji Jingwu sometimes find himself thinking of ways to be more fun than the Yu Qing team. He tried taking Yaoguang to amusement parks, spa resorts, even treating her to getting her nails done. All of which Yaoguang did not seem as happy as when she was with the Yu Qing Team or specifically, Chi Dayong.

Ji Jingwu walks out of his bathroom with a white robe and slippers. His hair is fresh and damp from his shower. He sits on his bed and sees his phone that he needs to charge. He grabs his phone and thinks about messaging Wu Yaoguang.

Ji Jingwu talks to himself: Yaoguang did not seem to enjoy the amusement park. She did not want to be in the same massage room or relax. She chose the simplest and quickest nail set to get done. Even my manicure set took longer. (he holds out his hand in front of him and looks over his nails) She didn't put my initials on her nails. Where should I take her next?

Before Ji JIngwu could message Yaoguang, she had messaged him: "[Address] Let's have our next date here. 11 am. I'll bring you an outfit. Sounds good?"

Ji Jingwu smirks. He wonders what they'll be doing at the address. There's nothing to suggest what it is. When he searches up the address, it is just a simple park.

Ji Jingwu messages back: "Alright. Whatever my Princess says."


Dachi and Jiale rally the tennis ball back and forth on the tennis court to warm up. Dachi sees Yaoguang enter the tennis clubhouse and he gets distracted. The ball flies pass him.

Jiale scolds him as he approaches him: Dachi, why are you getting distracted? The match is coming up very soon and you're letting simple rallies pass you?

Jiale follows Dachi's gaze to the door of the clubhouse.

Jiale lets out an exaggerated gasp. Jiale puts a hand onto his chest as he stares at Dachi who looks at him a little concern.

Dachi: Jiale, what is it?

Jiale: What is it?!?! You!~~~~ Dachi, you like Wu Yaoguang don't you?

Dachi feels his heart skip a beat, as if from fear. He quickly moves his tennis racket to shield his heart.

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