Ch. 2 - Acts of Service

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When Steve got back to the Compound from his 6am run, he found the rest of the Avengers having breakfast together. Well, most of them.

He greeted them and went for a drink of water straight from the faucet. When he turned back around, everyone seemed to be biting their tongues.


Natasha spoke from beside Bucky, her hands under her chin. "Sam told us all about the new physician."

"Oh yeah, I met her yesterday when I got my stitches." He lifted his shirt to show them the bandage. "She's pretty nice."

"Seemed like you thought of her as more than just nice, huh Rogers?" Tony teased.

There was some snickering from the group after that. Steve took another sip of his water, his eyebrows furrowing. "What do you mean?"

"Don't you have plans with her today?"

"Yes, but she's part of the team now. It's not like that." Steve sat down at the table next to Bucky and started to dish himself some breakfast. "Speaking of, she should probably start joining us for meals, shouldn't she?"

"Our old physician didn't join us," Wanda pointed out, confused.

"Our old physician didn't live here either." Murmurs of agreement went around the table. "Friday? Can you call Felicity down please?"

"Of course."

A few minutes went by and Felicity came through the door dressed in casual clothes like the rest of us. She sat down on Steve's other side to introduce herself to the team. They all did the same, which took a while. She was given the rundown on the Compound's rules– mostly how everyone does their fair share of chores since they didn't want too many staff at the Compound, if any– and then quickly added to the Avenger's group chat.

Breakfast was uneventful for him other than the looks he got from the team out of the corners of his eyes. Felicity either didn't notice or wasn't bothered.

Everyone slowly filed out after cleaning up breakfast, finding their own things to do during the day. Steve was left alone with Felicity.

"Did you take your pills?" she asked him.

"Yes. And they've been working just fine too, so thank you."

"Mhm. So, are you ready for today?"

"I don't even know what we're doing today..."

"Well, I thought we'd do each of the love languages one at a time."

"Alright, so which one are we trying first?"

"Acts of service." At the slightly confused look on his face, she explained, "It's when you do something for someone that you know they would like."

"I do enjoy helping people," he told her genuinely.

"That's why I feel like it would be a great, easy start! So, I did something for you last night."

Steve's eyebrows raised in surprise. "Oh, really?"

She was smiling uncontrollably as she said, "Wait here!"

She ran out of the living room and he stood where he was. It was just a couple of minutes until she came back with something semi-hidden behind her back.

"Close your eyes!" she told him, still grinning excitedly.

Steve took a deep breath and closed his eyes, playing along with her antics. He liked to see her so happy to have done something for him.

"Okay, open them."

He did, and his eyes met the top of his uniform being held up by Felicity. It was the same one he was wearing on the last mission, except it didn't have a hole in the stomach where the bullet went through and there was not a trace of blood on it.

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