Ch. 3 - Quality Time

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"I just want to be beside you everywhere

As long as we're together, honey, I don't care"

I Only Want to Be With You - by Dusty Springfield


Steve decided to go to the medical lab in the late morning, finding Felicity giving Tony a shoulder massage. Tony sat in a chair in just a black wife-beater. His face contorted into a cheeky smile when Tony groaned.

"Oh, Steve!"

Felicity stopped her massage and came to greet him, leaving Tony to rub his neck with both hands.

She ran over to him with a bright smile that instantly made Steve's day a little better and hugged him, careful of his gunshot wound. He didn't expect it, so it took him a second before wrapping his arms around her and hugging her back.

She pulled herself away, running her hands down his bare arms until she was holding his hands. "I have a couple things planned for us for when I'm off, but if you wanna hang out here for a bit then I'd love your company."

"Am I not enough company?" Tony piped up.

Felicity turned to the man still sitting on the chair. "Of course, Mr. Stark, but I just have a few things to do before my shift ends. Though I'll always be on call if you need me."

"Rogers has you hooked, doesn't he, Bellucci?"

She turned back to Steve, shaking her head but grinning still. "He's alright."

Tony left after a bit of coaxing from Felicity, but not without multiple comments about how she liked Steve more than him.

"How's your wound?" she asked as soon as the lab doors closed.

"Doesn't hurt much. I bet it's mostly healed by now."

"Take your shirt off."

He raised his eyebrow and smirked at her. "Being a little forward, don't you think?"

She tilted her head. "You know what I mean."

He smirked and took off his shirt, revealing the compression bandage that she had made just two days ago. She unwrapped it and took off the bandage, inspecting it.

"You're right, it's almost completely healed. It'll be ready to have the stitches removed soon." She shook her head. "Your body is remarkable."

"The serum enhanced my healing process and... everything else..."

There were several seconds of them just looking at each other before she smiled and wrapped another bandage on him. After that, she sat down in a chair to do some paperwork.

She glanced at him as he sat down beside her. "You can put your shirt back on if you want."


"I don't know about this, Felicity. Last time I rode the Cyclone I threw up."

Yes, she dragged him to Coney Island for some of their quality time when he off-handedly mentioned he hadn't been there since he was a teenager in the 30s. If he said his stomach wasn't turning in nervousness since they got there, he'd be lying. He still insisted on paying for their tickets though.

"You'll be fine! Don't be so dramatic."

Despite every bone in his body telling him not to go on that roller coaster, he found himself being checked if his restraint bars were secure.

He took deep breaths to try and calm himself, and Felicity noticed how worked up he was. "It's safer than it was in the 30s, I promise you have nothing to worry about."

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