Prologue//The Science Fair

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The cover was made by my best friend livingkilljoy. The song for this chapter is just a random one. As the story progresses the songs will have more to do with their chapters.


Spencer's POV~

the lights flickered a bit. It affected my reading, distracted me. I sat up straight, looking up from the educational book that I was reading. Glancing at my best friend at the table in front of me. She had medium brown hair past her shoulders with the tips dyed red. It used to be burgundy, but then the dye faded like it usually does. She, of course, was busy reading (probably re-reading to be honest) the material our science teacher, Mr. Montoya told us to read whilst he walked out of the room. Of course, you can't just leave a classroom alone without at least one student chattering. A group of five boys were being suggestive and inappropriate, like they usually do, when Mr. Montoya came back in. "Boys! I wish I could say I was surprised at you all. Sit back down in your seats and pay attention." He growled at the students like he was a dog seeing the despicable mailman.

I didn't mind Mr. Brown too much, although, he wasn't my favorite teacher. Mr. Brown, walked to the front of the class. "Hello class. I have some exciting news for you all today. Its time for our school's yearly science fair." He was using the same monotone that he always was. "Now, I know half of you are either not listening or don't care, but for the other half of you that actually want to win this year, congrats to you, you're going somewhere in life." Mr. Brown had a sense of humor that I couldn't quite explain. At least I hoped it was humor.

"I would like for all of you to participate, but after being with you disappointments in life for nearly a year now, I printed very few information packets, knowing that only very few of you would actually participate, and I would hate to waste paper." His voice was dripping sarcasm at that last comment. "Whoever wants a packet, come and get it." He sighed, as if he would rather be dead then be here. I hope that's not true.

I slightly chuckled as Morgan shot out of her seat and practically ran up to the 40 year old man to grab an information packet. Mr. Montoya glared at her and chuckled a little. He always liked her. It would make sense. Science is her best class, math being her worst. It was the opposite for me. Science was my worst and math was my best. We kindave tutored each other.

When she sat back down, she turned around to look at me with eager eyes, she knew I couldn't say no to her. Her behavior wasn't exactly surprising as she has always been into science. Especially genetics. I already knew that I would be involved somehow, as I usually was. Normally, Morgan would just tell me what the plan was and have me help. We weren't taking advantage of each other, we just knew our strengths. Morgan loved genetics and knew a lot about it, so she did the main part. I knew a little and she helped me along the way. If it weren't for her, I probably wouldn't be passing this class.

I tended to help with smaller things for the project and prepared the set up and display. Usually the 'smaller things' involved me mixing chemicals, but I had a strange feeling things would be different this time. Maybe I would be mixing explosive chemicals! (What those would be doing in genetics I have no idea, but you gotta let a man have hopes and dreams, right?) Needless to say, I was very excited about what Morgan had in store for me this year.


Hey guys :) This is just the beginning of a new book, so obviously the prologue is going to be kinda small. Don't worry, the other chapters won't be this short.

Leave me a comment and tell me what you think? c:

//Keep Runnin'

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