Chapter 1//The Laboratory

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When Mr. Brown announced the science fair, I didn't even think about getting up, it just kinda happened. I guess that just proves how excited I was, huh? I already knew what I was gonna do, and Spencer was gonna be the test subject, for lack of a better term. I started sketching out ideas as soon as I sat back down, completely zoning out (a tendency of mine) the rest of Mr. Brown's lecture for the day. (I already knew what he was teaching anyway, so what does it matter?) I just knew this was going to be a good year.


I groggily woke up and turned on my iPod. The Apple product's screen instantly illuminated and nearly blinded me. It was 11:37 AM. Oh, I guess I overslept...Maybe I should get up. I slightly shifted my head and cringed. No doubt about it, I was sick. I groaned and rolled over. Time to entertain myself with some Youtube and Tumblr until I pass out again.


After Science class, I waited for Morgan to pack up her things. She always was a little slow to put everything back, but that's okay. I guess its because she can't focus on just the lesson and has to have other things out to entertain her. I dunno.

"So Morgan," I begin. "Do you already know what we're going to be doing?"

"Yea." She turned to walk out the door, I followed.

"What is it?"

"Its gonna be a surprise. I need one thing from you, though."

We made our way out the front door of the school, on our way to our houses. Normally we have our best friend Abbie with us, but she was probably sick today.

"Yea sure anything you like!"

Maybe I was right! Maybe I would get to do something different this time! As we got to the sidewalk, I turned to face Morgan and suddenly felt a weird and painful pressure on my neck. Next thing I knew, everything was dark.

(A/N: The song up top is basically for what just happened. It was playing when I was writing this and I just couldn't resist myself, it was too perfect! xD)


Right when Spencer turned around I put two fingers to his neck until he passed out. I caught him and carefully, but efficiently, dragged him to the nearby bush. (For him being so much taller than me, he's surprisingly very light.) Hidden behind the giant, conveniently placed bush was my laboratory which no one knows about. Hah. Abbie would be so proud of me for using her technique on Spencer. Well, I thought as I stepped inside the metal door, time to start our science project!


(present tense)

I awake in a daze, not sure of my surroundings. Something seems different, but I don't know why. I was really sleepy, and it was hard to keep hold of my thoughts for more than a few seconds before they washed away like currents in a river. I wanted to go back to sleep but before I closed my eyes I saw Morgan in front of me.

"Hi Morgan.." I said dazedly, " I in a dream?"

She giggled, which I found very rude as it was quite hard for me to get words out of my mouth right now, much less coherent sentences.

"No, but you were asleep. Take a look around you."

I looked around and it looked like I was in a doctor's office, except this office was shaped like an octagon and was a lot bigger than a normal doctor's office would have been. There was a big metal door that looked as if it needed a keycode, and there was a platform above me that seemed to have lots of machines on it. On the platform there was a railing so that you could look down to where I was. Maybe it was some sort of observation deck? I have no idea.

I looked down at the tiled floor and all I could see were brown feathers, but if you looked closely you could see a bit of darker-colored streaks atop the lighter brown. By this point I am very confused. I'm on some sort of operating table and its not cold, so I must have been laying here for a good while. There's feathers on the floor (Which were rather beautiful, really.) and it looks as if Morgan has de-feathered some sort of bird. I hope the bird's okay. More importantly, I hope I'm okay. I need some answers, now.


Hey guys! This chapter is a little longer, but I wanted to leave you all on a cliff hanger. In order to make each chapter longer, I'm going to have to start updating every week, starting Monday. Hope you guys like it so far!

Leave me a comment, tell me what you liked/didn't like!

//Keep Runnin'

.wings.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora