Chapter 4//Last Recovery Day

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I opened the lab door and walked into the hub, the soft hum of all the technical equipment buzzing softly into my ears. It was like entering a whole new world; A world that I was more fit for. There was no bird-child to be seen. Although, there was a broken chair in the corner. I put my stuff up and walked into Spencer's room, where he lay sound asleep. I nudged him with my foot, "Wake upppp." After a minute, he stirred and sat up, blinking and rubbing his eyes.
"Hi, how was school?"
"It was good, Abbie said she missed you, by the way."
"Oh, I miss her too. I would have texted her but my phones at home.."
"Nah, theres no wifi in here anyway. After my birthday and when I move into this place there will be though. Trust me. I would die otherwise."
Spencer stifled a laugh. "I have a question for you."
"So I might already know the answer, but what are we going to do for the science fair this year?"
"Aha," I smirked, "You finally asked. Let me explain something first: Seeing as thus is both of our senior years, I wanted to do something extravagant. Almost like a senior prank, but I'd rather not get in trouble. Since that day on Christmas break, I've been researching wings. I found a way to replace 2% of their human DNA with bird DNA. This is why you have sharper vision and wings. That's all it affected. Pretty great, huh?"
"Yea. Its amazing."


"So why is that chair in the corner?" Morgan asked, her eyebrows raised. Uh oh. She noticed. I really hope that wasn't some fancy, high-tech chair.
"Shhh, don't worry about it," I try to say nonchalantly, "Its in Chair Heaven now, a better place." I perked my ear a little towards the ceiling and cocked my head. "Hm? What's that? Oh. Morgan, he wanted me to tell you that it died a fluffy and soft death, so it didn't suffer."
She shook her head playfully, " you're weird."

Morgan walked out of my room to the main hub. She walked to the examination table, and patted it, signaling me to sit down.
I did and awaited her instructions. "I just have to do a few check-ups.." She mumbled. I stifled yet another laugh, she's in doctor mode.

She stuck something into my wing and smiled. "Ok, everything's fine but its getting late, you might want to go ahead and get some more sleep. That nap probably didn't do much; Your body's not used to all the bird DNA and is having a little bit of a rough time getting used to things. After tomorrow you can probably go back to school. Your mom should be expecting you back by that time anyway."
"Wait, what. Won't people notice these things between my shoulder blades?!"
Morgan sighed and looked at me. "Yea, people probably will treat you differently if they notice them. I think I made it to where you can hide your wings inside a jacket, but I'm not positive. We can check tomorrow. I'll probably cut slits in your shirts. Sorry, I really don't want to have to do that to your band merch.."
My heart sunk a little bit, but I realized it was for the better. "After all," she continued, "I already cut that shirt."
"What?" I glanced down and saw that, indeed, my shirt had been cut. Hm. I never noticed that before. "Oh, ok."


Like every normal day after school, I decided to text Morgan and Spencer. I texted Spencer first. Just a simple 'Hey.' No reply. Hmm. Maybe he was studying for what he missed these past two days. I wouldn't put is past him. I text Morgan next. 'Hey, are you busy??' It takes her about five minutes to reply, which is pretty normal with her.
Morgan: Not really. What's up?
Me: I just wanted a friend to talk to. Do you know what's up with Spencer? He's not answering me. I mean if he's sick he should answer, right? cx
Morgan: Haha, that's what I would be doing if I was sick. Maybe he fell asleep?
Me: Yea maybe
Morgan: Oh btw, I have a surprise for you tomorrow..:)
Me: Really? Okay. Thanks

I couldn't wait to see what the present was.


Hey guys! Hope you enjoyed the chapter. Ik it was kinda lame. However, I just officially ran out of the written story in my notebook so that means it might take a little bit longer to write since it wasn't pre-written months ago.

Anyway, leave me a comment, telling me what you like or didn't like!

Keep Runnin'//

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2015 ⏰

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