Chapter 3//The Present

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After my sick day, my mother was now forcing me to go back to school. She thinks if she shoves some medicine down my throat and gives me a hug everything will be fine. She's very wrong. Regardless of my numerous protests, she still made me go to school, coughing and wheezing. Well, at least I'd get to see Morgan and Spencer.
When I got to our homeroom, I saw Morgan. She came running up to me like she missed me a lot. "Abbie! I missed you! I'm sorry I couldn't text you last night..I was err..busy.."
"Its okay."
I was too tired to say anything else, and thankfully, my best friend understood that. When I looked around I didn't see Spencer. Morgan saw my quizzical look and told me he was sick today.


I woke up sometime around eleven AM. I figured Morgan was at school, and a little exploration of my surroundings told me that I was right. On the main table in the hub, where I woke up yesterday, I found a granola bar and a bottle of apple juice. There was also a little note:
"Specimen, I'm sorry there's not more to eat. I know it must be hard having not only like a normal teenage boy, but also eating to replenish your bird muscles. This was all I could find on such short notice. After you finish your breakfast, there's some books and art supplies on the desk on my room. You'll find my room on the left side of the hall, close to yours.
-Morgan <3
P.S. Don't forget to call your mom!"
After I finished my snack, I went to Morgan's room. Atop the glass desk there was a Macbook and a journal. I really wanted to peek inside the journal, but I figured it was probably personal since it looked old and worn. Beside those there was a stack of books and some colored pencils she always uses for drawing. I grabbed the stack of books and some paper and the colored pencils and, very sloppily, made my way back to the main hub of the lab and sat down in the chair.
I glanced around and took in my surroundings, this time while I wasn't on any medication to put me to sleep. Since yesterday, Morgan has cleaned up. All the feathers that were scattered all over the operating table and floor were now gone. I was right yesterday when I said the space above me was probably an observation deck, that was exactly what it was. On the inner wall of the deck there were all these machines and equipment. I knew instantly that if I were to just tap one of the machines it would just spontaneously combust. So I stayed put.
On the table I was sitting at, there was a phone. Remembering what Morgan said, I called my mother, dreading this very moment.
I grabbed the phone and dialed my mother's number, hoping she would pick up. She did.
"Hi, mom. I just wanted to let you know I have a Model UN trip for the next two days and won't be home. You and Sarah will have the house to yourselves."
"Oh um, okay. I wish you would have given me more notice, but that's okay. Have a good time, and bring home a trophy!"
I hung up the phone and thought for a bit. Man, I missed Sarah. Sarah is my 13 year old sister. We are actually very close, being only four years apart helps too. I wonder what she would think of my wings...
I was jerked back into reality when I heard this horrid cracking noise. Next thing I knew, I ended up on the floor. The chair I was in had broken under me, and was now completly in half. I guess I wasn't used to the extra weight of my wings just yet. I hope Morgan won't be mad. I shoved the now broken chair into the nearby corner and shrugged. There's nothing I can do about it now.
I went back to the table and decided to make a present for Morgan, seeing as how she had gave me these awesome wings, I think she deserved a little something back. She will probably think the present is stupid or childish, but I'm sure in the back of her head she'll know that I meant it all.
Once done with the present, I went back into her room and tucked her present underneath her pillow. Hopefully she'll see it. I put all the art supplies back and put back the book that I never read. I left her room and walked back into mine and sighed. I know its silly, but it kind of made me sad that the room I was staying in was so plain. I'd only be here for one more day, so I guess it really didn't matter. I sat down on my mattress, took a deep breath, and curled up into a big ball of feathers. Then, I slept.

Hey guys! Happy Monday! So you found out a bit of Spencer's family. They will be in the story more in the near future. Also, Abbie's POV will become more frequent as well.

Leave me a comment and tell me what you liked, or even didn't like. Leave your thoughts or suggestions!

Keep Runnin'~

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