Chapter 2//New Attachments

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"Um..." I didn't know what to say. Morgan giggled,

"So how are your new...Attachments..?"


"Oh, I thought you would have noticed by now...Here follow me."

She waited for me to slowly hop off of the table, I followed her into a dark, dimly-lit hallway, then into a room with an abnormally large mirror.

"Stop starring. Its 18 feet long by the way."

Then I saw them. They were light brown with little dark streaks hidden in them, just like the ones on the floor of the main room I was in earlier. "So..How big are they...?"

"They're approximately 16 feet long. I was scared that they might be too long, but they're perfect with your height."

I was in awe at the pure beauty of them, I completely agreed with her because they were absolutely perfect. I also agreed with her because I can't say no to her, but that's beside the point. I know what you're thinking. "Oh, if this happened to me I'd be so mad. She genetically mutated me! Without my consent!" Well, let me stop you right there, friend. First off, she technically did have my consent..Secondly, this was my late Christmas present.

*Christmas break*

"Morgan, you know what I really want?" I said jokingly,
"No, what?"
"...Wings.." We both burst into laughter.
"Yea, if that were possible, I'd make some for you, me, and Abbie. That way, we could fly away from all our problems." She commented.
"Man, wouldn't that be so cool if that were real though?"
"Hey actually..You just gave me an idea.."
"You'll see."

[Christmas Day]
"Ok Spencer, open what I got you!!!" Morgan said enthusiastically. I scoffed.
"Oh I'm sure its not better than what I got you." Which was true, I got her (plus me and Abbie) concert tickets to see Twenty One Pilots, her, currently, favorite band.

I started opening the little velvet covered box with a sparkly bow on top. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Morgan smile mischievously. Oh no. It was a gag gift wasn't it? ..Great. Inside the box there was..nothing. Just air. "Oh..uh..what?"
Morgan giggled,
"Haha. So here's the story: Basically, I have an amazing present for you, but its going to be later this year. Back when school starts."
"Oh, okay I guess..As long as this wasn't a trick to get you out of buying me something.." I was kinda bummed. I felt as if she didn't even want to get me anything.
"Nononono. You're my best friend. I love you so much. You're definitely getting something, I promise."
It was then that I knew she wasn't lying. Morgan always keeps her promises.


"Okay my feathered friend," I giggled at that, "Just because I want to make sure you're used to your wings, I'm gonna have to keep you here in the lab for the next couple of days."

"Okay," I agreed, "Will you stay with me?"

"Not the whole time, as I still have school, but anytime schools not in session you can bet that I'll be here with you." She shot me a smile, I smiled back. "You'll also have to tell your mother you're on a Model United Nations trip or something so you can spend the night here. She'll know about your wings sooner or later, but to make it easier its gonna be later." She told me.

I went to follow her out of the mirror room and BAM! My wings collided with Morgan's face. "Noo! Morgan! I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to, I swear! Are you okay?!"

She giggled. "Chill. Plus your wings are quite soft and cushion-y, so it didn't hurt too much. It's okay."

"Okay good." I wrapped my wings around her in a soft winged-hug. We both giggled. "Morgan, I'm really tired, genetic mutation really wears a guy out. Is there a place I can sleep?"

"Oh yeah, I almost forgot, follow me, my fine specimen."

We both giggled softly as we walked down the hallway. Secretly, I really liked the nickname, I hope it will stick.

We walked into a dimly-lit room with a mattress ans pillows in the corner. "Sorry, its not much. Its only for a couple of days, anyway."

"Its perfect, thank you friend."

I hugged her being careful not to hit her. When she left the room and turned off the lights I realized I had not only wings, but also the eyesight of a hawk. I could see so much clearer in the dark. I sat there for maybe 20 minutes just contemplating how I was going to tell my mother all of this.


After I left Spencer's room, I headed to mine, which was about the same size as his. I haven't really had time to decorate much, but out of all of the rooms in the lab, the main hub (Where I gave Spencer his wings) and my room were the most decorated. I, at least, had a bed and a desk. I'm hoping to move into the lab next week, which is my 18th birthday. Hopefully then, I can fully decorate everything.

I went to my desk and added all of tonight's information into my journal for our science project. After about 20 minutes of typing, I finally went to bed, trying to figure out how to keep all of this a secret not only till the science fair, but also from our best friend, Abbie.

I found myself telling my 'mother' what I did. She's not my real mom, my real mom put me up for adoption, I never knew her. My 'Mother' wasn't the nicest or most understanding, she usually tells me how things like this aren't possible, then continues to tell me to grow up. When I told her she started yelling at me, so I left my house and found my way into my lab.

Then, I woke up.

Hey guys!hope you like it! I really like writing this story and really hope you enjoy reading it!

Please leave a comment to tell me what you think, what you like, and even what you didn't like!

Keep Runnin'//

.wings.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora