"I'll Be Fine"

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Robby and Tory ate breakfast, and then got ready to go to the hospital "Robby, I don't have any clean clothes" Robby looked through his wardrobe and pulled out a black hoodie "Here, wear this" Robby handed Tory the hoodie, Tory smiled and put it on "Thanks Robz, do you have any jeans or anything" Robby looked through his wardrobe and then  paused "What's wrong" Tory asked confused to why her boyfriend had just suddenly paused in a moment "I do have some jeans but they aren't mine" Tory felt confused "Who's are they" Robby picked up the jeans and showed them to Tory "They look quite familiar, I feel like I've seen them before" Robby also pulled out a cardigan and a dress, Tory took one look at the outfit and knew where she recognised it from "That's the outfit Sam was wearing on the night she kissed Miguel" Robby nodded "How the HELL do you have it?" Robby quickly interfered "On that night Sam was drunk, she didn't have a place to stay so I took her to my dad's apartment, My dad gave her a shirt to wear to bed and some joggers" Tory looked at Robby "Well how come you still have her outfit if it was your dad's house you brought her too" Robby slightly smiled "Before I left for school that morning my dad dropped me off at my place to get some clothes, I just took her clothes with me so I could give it to her after school" Tory felt awful for snapping at Robby "I'm sorry, I'm just a little on edge right now, I didn't mean to snap at you" Robby smiled at Tory "Don't worry about it Tor, It's nothing I haven't done before" Robby said rummaging through his clothes "It's up to you if you want to wear her jeans, it's not as if she's gonna be banging down the door demanding them anytime soon" Tory laughed "I would be, they cost a fortune" Robby looked down "Well there's one thing LaRusso isn't short of, and that's money" Tory and Robby stayed silent for a minute, until Tory broke the silence by saying "I'd rather wear something that's yours, I think it's cute when couples wear eachothers clothes" Robby smiled and threw a pair of jeans at Tory "They might be a little big but I've got a belt if you need one" Robby sat a belt on his bed, once Tory got her clothes on, she sat on Robby’s bed "How are we gonna get there?" Robby opened his bedside drawer and took out some money "We could get a Taxi" Tory nodded "Sure" Tory realised something "Wait a minute,I forgot to tell you, I've struck a deal with Sensei Silver"  Robby looked at Tory with worry in his eyes "What kind of deal" Tory stood up "He told me if I come to Cobra Kai everyday then he'd pay me, he'd cover all of my daily expenses, and last night, he went to pay my landlord a visit to get my apartment back" Robby looked at Tory a little bit annoyed "You what? Tory, I don't think that was a very good idea, I don't think that man is very trust worthy" Tory looked at Robby with nothing but confusion "Robby, I need the money, plus, even though he is a bit dodgy, all of my other Jobs have been too" Robby analysed what Tory had just said "What do you mean by 'Even though he is a bit dodgey' What has he done?" Tory just realised she might’ve just revealed her Sensei's secret "I didn't say THAT, I just meant even if he happens to be dodgey" Robby looked at Tory seriously "No, You said 'Even though he is a bit dodgey' Tory I'm not an idiot, What did he do"  Tory started to make up and excuse "He didn't do an-" Robby cut Tory off "WHAT DID HE DO!" Tory knew how it felt to be lied to, so she decided she was just going to tell the truth, what was the worst that could happen "He uh, He rigged the tournament" Robby looked at Tory and didn't say anything "He what?" Tory looked at Robby with regret in her eyes "So your telling me, The All Valley under 18s Tournament, Was rigged" Tory looked away "Yes... I didn't really win" Robby felt shocked "And you never told me this why?" Tory knew at that moment she had messed everything up "I was scared Robby, I still am but... This is an offer I can't deny, I need that money for stability for when Brandon and my mother come out of hospital" Robby wasn't angry at Tory, he was just disappointed that she felt like she couldn't tell him "Babe, I know, but I can offer you and Brandon and your mother that stability, listen, the All Valley is just a tournament, but that guy is DANGEROUS you can't trust him, especially after this" Tory looked down "Robz, I've already agreed to come in to the dojo everyday, he's probably already got my apartment back" Robby just knew in that moment how Cobra Kai had got inside Tory's head, How Terry Silver had got inside her head "I love you too much to watch you get hurt Tory" Tory slightly smiled "I'll be fine"

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