Vol 1 - Chapter 7.1: Dictatorship

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Today is the 12th day of April.

Up until this point, Class C had maintained a good level of behaviour in the classroom, which was enforced by Ryuuen. The cackling dragon had been convincing all of our classmates to put up a good front from early on, using a mixture coercion and provocation.

After we gain full control of the class, there should be no gaps in behaviour and so any further point losses will be prevented, at least in theory anyway. We can't monitor everyone 24/7.

When May comes, we are expecting to still have most of the thousand class points the school had initially allotted to Class C.

Depending on the performance of Classes A and B there is a very realistic chance of promotion when May comes.

Since we can't monitor our classmates outside of school hours, we can't predict the exact amount lost. In an extreme case, we could be met with massive point losses we had known nothing about.

It is entirely possible that we could end up with the lowest number of points, although looking at this year's Class D that worst case scenario seems very unlikely.

As a class, they seem quite unorganised. Even though some of them have great potential, it won't get put to good use if they all act independently. They would make for great tools though.

I walked to school alone with these thoughts in anticipation of the important event that would happen today, everything had led up to this. I would have preferred to do this earlier, but Ryuuen wasted too much time crushing Albert so I had to catalyse the process a little.

Yesterday, I split the bill with Ryuuen and cut the footage of all the security cameras in the class for the hour of our morning lesson with Sakagami.

The price was 50'000 points per camera per hour, and there were 4 cameras in the room. We each paid 100'000 points.

""Good morning, Kiyotaka.""

Opening the door to the classroom, I was greeted by my har- three close friends: Shiho, Nanami, and Saki. I returned their greeting with a slight smile.

Normally I would begin monologuing about how they all blushed and follow up with a little teasing to make them even redder, but I noticed an irregularity.

If we followed the usual pattern they would be gathered around my desk, but today they were at Saki's desk. Saki herself was in her chair, hunched over and resting her head on the table. Her hair was a little dishevelled.

"Trouble sleeping last night?"

She looked up at me and her fatigued complexion eased up a little. I saw her eyes were struggling to stay open, it didn't take an expert to deduce she was suffering from sleep deprivation.


Saki lazily answered me in her half-asleep state.


I inquired about the cause of her insomnia, taking a guess based on what I knew about her.

Looking back on the incident at Keyaki Mall, they first approached me acting rather clingy to get my attention. The reason for that was to protect themselves from Ryuuen, whose presence threatened to turn the classroom into some delinquent hellscape.

I assume they got together at some point early on and realised they all feared the same thing, and then somehow concluded the best plan would be to use me as a shield.

At that point I hadn't shown off my physical ability in the swimming race so they would've based that conclusion off my self introduction alone, where I mentioned my confidence in sports.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23, 2023 ⏰

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