Chapter One - Handsome Hansel

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In the days of yore, when witches would sometimes cause great mischief, there lived a lad named Hansel who worked as a waiter in a kaffeehaus. Now, Hansel was a comely youth with fair hair, and his smile had charmed many a young maiden.

One day, a quartet of such damsels went to the kaffeehaus for breakfast, as was their wont. The girls were united in their admiration for handsome Hansel, and frequented this shop chiefly for the pleasure of seeing his face.

The girls sat together at their usual table. They had brötchen and sweetened coffee, as usual. They chatted and giggled, as they usually did.

However, something rather unusual caught their attention when their repast was almost finished.

"Do you see that withered old crone?" asked one of the girls.

A woman who was much advanced in years had just come in.

"Upon my word, she looks quite dessicated," said another girl. The words were uttered in a tone which seemed to imply that the old lady was personally responsible for her 'dessication'.

"The creature IS an eyesore."

Having passed their judgement, the girls nodded in agreement, and then continued to watch the eyesore.

The old dame has already been described by these worthy young ladies. But let it also be known that she walked with the aid of a wooden cane.

The elderly woman seized an empty seat and established herself upon it. Shortly afterwards, Hansel approached her with his enchanting smile.

"Good morning, madam. What would you like to have?"

Although she had originally come here for some black coffee, she was no longer sure if that was truly what she wanted. The young man in front of her was so handsome – and his smile – it was simply magical.

"You," she confessed. "I want YOU."

"I beg your pardon." Scarcely had the words been uttered when Hansel saw the woman poking his thigh with her cane.

In an instant, Hansel vanished. In his place was a bird trapped in a cage.

The woman smiled as she picked up the cage and walked out of the kaffeehaus.

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