Chapter 2: Given

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Howard’s POV.

(Howard is the main man, the one who had the microphone on stage) I was still unsure if we should let any of the boys stay in the U.K. But I don’t think I could bear to hear my younger sister beg one more time.

My sister, Cassie, had a hard life she was a single mom, her boyfriend had left her after finding out she was pregnant. She lived about 4-5 hours away from London, on a farm. The main reason she wanted one of the boys was she needed help on the farm. Her 8 year old daughter, Jamie, had to do way to much for her age, and having a teenaged boy around would be a tremendous help. But she also wanted Jamie to have some company out on the farm, the only kids she ever got to see were kids from neighboring farms. 

I was aroused from my thoughts when I heard a shout, Zayn, had woken up.

“Who the hell are you?!” he shouted fiddling with the zipper on his duffle.

“2! Quick give him another tranquilizer.” I ordered him. 2 pulled out his dart gun with fumbling fingers and fired a dart into the boys neck. Zany’s eyes immediately started to droop as he left consciousness. 

“Should I give him another memory shot?” Questioned 2

“Naw, he should be fine he was really out of it I doubt he’ll remember that” I responded. I only said this because honestly we don’t have anymore memory shots to give out. 

“But give the rest of the boys another tranquilizer” 

“You got it boss.”


4 1/2 hours later 

We were pulling into the driveway of my sisters house. I had forgotten how beautiful it was out here. You could see the acres of land stretching out into the sunset and the creek running through the garden. I looked up at the willow tree that held so many fond memory’s of my sister and I playing in it all those years ago.

My thoughts were again broken but this time but a little girl running up the dirt path, kicking up the dirt behind her.

“Uncle H! Uncle H! Your here! Your here!” Jamie screamed running into my arms. I spun her around in the air. 

“There’s my sweet bundle of sugar!” I said putting her back on the ground. “Have you decided which one you want yet?” 

“Yup, I want Liam!” she squealed with excitement.

“Okay then Liam it is. Hey 1!”  I called over to the van “Get Liam out of the back”

“Yes, sir” 1 responded 

“Jamie go inside and tell your mom were here. We will bring Liam in when were done, okay?” 

“Sure thing” I watched her skip up the front steps through the door. I wish I had kids.

“Howard” 1 called “care to give me a hand?”

“Uh, yeah sure” I walked over to the van and helped 1 carry Liam out of the back of the van. Sheesh this kid is heavy he must be pure muscle or something. I thought as we carried Liam behind the van. After dropping him on the ground 1 went back to the van to get the supplies we needed. When he came back he handed me a bat and a knife asking,

“Arm or leg?”

“Arm” I responded “ And maybe a couple ribs”  I added as an afterthought. We sat Liam up and placed his arm between two bricks... (Im not going to write exactly what happened cuz it grosses me out too much but you can tell what happened) Then I got out my knife and scraped him up a bit because he was supposed to have fallen off his horse. When I was done with my part I let 1 hit him on the head with a brick. I never liked doing that part. 

“Hey 3” I yelled into the van “were ready for you!” I pressed the button on the side of the van so that 3 could use makeshift hospital bed. I watched 3 Come out of the van with the supplies he needed and help 1 to lift the broken, bleeding Liam onto the bed. A As I watched 3 Get to work I saw him change completely, he was no longer a criminal he was a doctor. I was very interesting to watch. 

When 3 was done stitching and bandaging Liam up we carried him into the house where an excited Jamie and Cassie stood.

“Well show you up to his room” Cassie said politely. When we walked into “Liam’s room” it was apparent how much time and money Jamie and Cassie had spent on it. It was painted a soft denim blue, with a soft shaggy rug and a queen size bed. There was a desk in the corner with pictures that had been well photo shopped to look like Liam had lived here forever. There was also a bean bag in the corner and the closet was filled with clothes his size. 

We set Liam down on the the bed and I turned to Cassie 

“Well we best be off, It was good to see you Cassie?” 

“Same to you” my sister responded giving me a hug “Jamie say goodbye to your Uncle” Cassie said to her daughter who was currently brushing Liam’s hair. 

“Bye” She said not looking up from what she was doing. I chuckled

“Well she obviously needed a brother”

“Yeah I guess this really was a good idea, thank you” my sister said

“No problem, anytime, bye guys we gotta go” I said gesturing to 3 who had been starring fondly at the scene unfolding in front of him. he looked up from his daze and followed me down the stairs and back to the van.

Authers note! If you don't read you'll get really confused for the rest of the story.!

The same type of thing happen to each of the boys, all of them were on a farm. Liam In the U.K. Harry in Australia, Niall in Ireland, Louis and Zayn in the U.S. They also from now on will have different names so here they are Niall, is Josh, Liam is Matt or Mathew, Zayn is Brandon, Harry is James and Louis is Danny. And Howard sold all of the cellphones and entered all of the boys bank accounts through there phones took all the money and split it between the four men. The End just kidding don’t worry this isn’t even close to the end.

P.S. and Im not going to update until I get 5 votes and 10 reads

P.P.S. I love chatting with you guys, you can talk to me any time just commant on one of  my stories or message me

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