Chapter 8

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The following day, Renjun was sitting in his usual spot in the art room, and since it was a day where the art club didn't gather, the room was empty. That was except for the person that was looking through every single shelf in the room. Aera was pulling out brushes with dried out paint on them and running it though her hand as if it would help get rid of the paint that was on it.

"What are you doing?" Renjun puts down the pencil he was using to sketch with and looks over his canvas as Aera stops walking as soon as he asks her a question.

"Entertaining myself." Aera turns her head around, but it was rather clear how bored she was as she looked at him with dead eyes.

"We don't have to stick with each other by the hip to convince them that we're dating."

Aera turns her body around and squints at him, as if she needed glasses to understand what he was trying to get across. "In their eyes, we just started dating." She slowly walks towards Renjun. "And a couple who just started dating will stay with each other's side all the time."

"Now, you're suddenly an expert with dating?" Renjun puts his hands on his waist as his body was no longer facing the easel where he was trying his best to keep focus on his drawing but her presence was a little bit too distracting.

Aera smiles sheepishly at him. "I've read enough shoujo mangas in my time to understand a thing or two about high school romance." She shrugs her shoulders suddenly, very proud of her statement.

Renjun snickers at her, before taking off the apron he was wearing to protect his clothes from the art materials he wasn't using currently and stands up. He stretches a bit before walking towards the door. "If it makes you feel better, you can always watch it in the corridor." He slides open the door and tilts his head towards the outside of the room.

"Wouldn't they see us?"

The corridor that sat the club rooms directly sat in front of the field, anyone who was sitting on the field or playing there would immediately take notice of anyone watching from the four floored building. Which was clearly the reason behind her wandering around the art room instead of staying in the corridor and watching the football club from there.

"Which is why I'll stand beside you."

"Beside me?" Aera takes a step back.

Renjun immediately shakes his head. "Just enough for them not to get too suspicious."

"Ah," realization flashes across Aera's face as her worry was immediately changed into relief and excitement, "then what are we waiting for?" If she could fly towards the window on the corridor that looked out to the field, she would, right now.

Renjun almost didn't catch a glance of her as she left the art room.

"Are you that excited?" Renjun stands beside her with his arms over his chest.

Aera leaned in towards the corridor window after she opened it, so that she could lean her elbows on the ledge and stare at the several people running around in the field. Yet her eyes would always return to one.

Jaemin looked like he was glowing today. It was unlike him. Even as other members of the team turn their heads in search of the constant presence during their practice, he appears as if he doesn't mind that she wasn't there today.

In fact, he appears to be happier that she wasn't there today.

Once that realization hits her, she stands back up. As if she was momentarily stung by the realization. Jaemin wasn't looking for her.

"Looks like we've been spotted." If Renjun did not speak beside her, she would've stood there staring at the sky.

If Renjun didn't take a step closer towards her and placed his arms over around her yet resting his hands on the ledge that her elbows sat on for a few seconds a while ago, she wouldn't have looked down to see Jeno and Yangyang looking up at them from the field. Yet that view of a few of the team members looking up at them was quick as Renjun placed his head on her shoulders.

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