Chapter 20

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It was Haechan, Jeno, Yangyang and Shotaro that sat in the middle of Jaemin and Yuri who were sitting infront of each other, and Renjun and Aera who were, just like Jaemin and Yuri, sitting infront of each other. The table was oddly quiet.

They were never quiet.

Even people that were passing by in that same restaurant that they always went to after club activities were looking at them oddly. The only thing that echoes on that table were the sound of metal utensils hitting their plates or other utensils.

"Alright what is–" Yangyang can't sit through the uncomfortable silence, but he was stopped from talking any further when Haechan, who was sitting beside him, holds onto his wrist.

"Well someone's bound to end this ridiculous silence." Yangyang mumbled beneath his breath.

"It isn't as ridiculous as you think." Haechan whispers towards Yangyang, who looked at Haechan weirdly as well.

"Why do you know about what's going on?" Yangyang turns his whole body towards Haechan.

Haechan sighs. "A little encounter with a person we used to always see." Even the thought of it makes him sigh. Even Haechan can't fathom what was going on– no, why was he even so knowledgeable about this whole situation. It would have been better if he was just like the rest of them– in the absolute dark about this whole situation.

"Who?" Jeno leans in forward as it doesn't seem to register to them who Haechan was referring to.

Haechan sighs as he glanced at both Jaemin and Renjun. "Someone the two of them know of all too well."

"The two of them–" Jeno stops talking as Shotaro, who was sitting beside him whispers something in his ear. Jeno's eyebrows knit together before glaring at Haechan. "What were you doing with Jinae?"

Jeno's voice a little too loud that the two couples at the end of the table turned towards the four at the center of the table they all shared. It doesn't really come as a surprise that Haechan was the one who seems to be the most guilty about seeing her. "Things happened, Jeno." He whispers underneath his breath.

"Don't worry, I'm also curious." Jaemin decides to break the wall, as he leans his upper body on table just so he could look at them. "Why were you with Jinae, Haechan?"

Haechan slowly leans back on his chair, lucky that he decided to sit beside Renjun instead of Jaemin. "I was with Aera and she came along and we all sort of got stuck in the auditorium–"

"Again?" Yangyang turns his whole body towards Haechan.

"Yeah," he nods his head before trying to open his mouth to continue–

"This has happened before?" Renjun also turns his body towards Haechan. "If I knew, it would have been the first place I looked."

"You were looking for them?" Yangyang raises his eyebrows.

"Of course I was," Renjun shakes his head back as if it was the obvious answer, "I was calling Aera that day and she wasn't responding, so I got worried. I literally ran from our neighborhood down to the school."

Then they hear a snicker from the other side of the table. All their heads slowly turned towards Jaemin, who was looking down at his food with his eyebrows knit together. He moves his food around as if it were the worst thing to grace this planet and every once in a while he would poke his chopsticks into the food. "Now, it feels like this whole set up was real."

"What's real?" Jeno quick to catch on what Jaemin was whispering underneath his breath.

"Exactly, Renjun, what is real?" This time he raised his head as Yuri sits there quietly unable to hold Jaemin back as it was a bit awkward between them at the moment.

"Jaemin!" Aera glares at him.

"What is going on?" It was Shotaro who finally broke the growing tension that they were sharing. When all heads turn towards the often listening member of the bunch. On the other end, they were thankful that he decided to speak out, stopping the growing explosion waiting to happen.

Renjun has to thank Shotaro for that one of these days.

"I think Renjun–"

"I think it would be better if Haechan tells us what's going on." Yangyang intervenes knowing that one wrong word out of Renjun's mouth Jaemin would explode. They've all seen this happen before, they know how things would flow from here.

Then all of a sudden all heads turned towards Haechan, who from the very beginning was the person they turned all their questions to. He turns his head over to Renjun, whose hands were busy fondling over Aera's as he can't seem to find the strength to lift his head at the moment.

"Really?" Haechan whispers underneath his breath. He lifts his head and was just about to open his mouth, he was ready to finally spill the tea, when someone shows up at the end of the table where Renjun and Aera sat. "Renjun and Aera–"

"Hi," her awkward greeting was expected as all heads turn towards her, "I didn't think I would run into you guys here." She was alone.

Yangyang, Jeno, and Shotaro's eyes looked at Jinae then at Renjun, who she was standing close to. Then as if they all seem to think the same thing, all their eyes travel towards Aera, who did not react like they expected her to. She was looking at the elder girl with a smile on her face, one that they would describe more of an awkward, yet friendly smile.

"The longer no one answers what's going, the longer things aren't making sense." Yangyang shakes his head as he turns his attention away from Jinae, Aera and Renjun and turns his attention to Jaemin and Yuri instead. "I need answers."

"Me too!" Haechan finally calls his attention to himself. "It's getting really frustrating." He turns to Renjun and Aera, "and it should be the two of you who tell them."

Haechan's eyes was the first to turn to them, both Aera and Renjun, but it was everyone else's eyes that was staring at them waiting for answers making it hard to not admit what was going on.

Renjun takes a deep breath in, preparing himself for the backlash that would come with the exposing of the information.

And as he had expected, things were blowing out. 

I really want to end fangirl before the year ends or before January ends. 

So, you can possibly look forward to a few more updates as soon as the holidays come up. 🩷

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