Questions From @MaryLouSoyer

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Hello Amanda! I love your stories! As I start writing my own stories I have some questions for you. I've read at an interview in one of your books that you started your career by giving your stories at readers blogs.


1)Would you name some blogs with good readers who like to read new stories?

And some advice about how getting published or  finding a good agent. Or selfpublish like you did would be really usefull.



 2) Do you make a plan about your stories or you just write and let the story flow?


1) I don't really know the names of any good blogs. When I was self-publishing and most active with the book blogging community, how it worked is that I posted a blog saying something to the extent of "If you're a book blogger and want a free ARC in exchange for an honest review, I'll send you one." And then replied, and I sent them ARCs.

When I signed up with a publisher, they took over sending out ARCs (since they print them and distribute them, either with paperbacks or NetGalley), so I've become less involved in that process.

I also know that even back when I was still self-publishing, a lot of book blogs became so inundated with requests that they had to close their requests.

What I would recommend is simply Googling books blogs and the type of books you write. Like Sci-fi or young adult. Look at their review policy, and if they're open to self-published books, submit to them. That was something that I also did when I was starting out.

2) I outline extensively before I'm writing. Before I started writing the first word of my newest trilogy, the Kanin Chronicles, I knew exactly how the last book would end. I'm very meticulous about my note taking. I feel like it helps me help write quicker, because I'm stopping and wondering where the story is going. 

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