Chapter 1

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Dazai frowned as he made his way to the Port Mafia headquarters with Chuuya by his side. They had both decided that it was time to get answers out of Mori. They needed to know why they were never told about Omegan drops and what would happen if you ignored your soulmate. His hands were clenched as he hid them away from the world in his pockets. He kept his face expressionless as they walked into the building. He had always hated Mori but this took his hatred to the next level. Even though he wished to die and he had a grim look at life he had always wondered what his soulmate was like. Would they truly be his other half? Would they truly stay with him even though he was a murderer with blood as black as can be? Would they be able to love every part of him, even his scars from the multiple attempts on his own life?

He looked over to see his alpha mate start to glow, that glow got brighter the closer they got to the Port Mafia HQ. He sighed, reeling his emotions in as it looked like he would need to keep Chuuya reigned in until they got their answers. He placed a hand on Chibi's shoulder squeezing gently letting his ability cancel out For The Tainted Sorrow. He knew he would have to be the calm one today just like he normally is. His chibi really needed to get a handle on his emotions but it is not like Dazai would blame him. He was just as pissed with Mori. Both walked into headquarters not caring for the stares they were getting. Dazai smirked as he saw the shocked faces of some of the members. He never blatantly walked through the front door, it was always through the secret tunnels that connected to the important rooms. He reached his hand down to grab the chibi's hand to gently squeeze it before putting it in his pocket.

They entered the elevator that would take them up to Mori. Dazai knew at this point that the Boss would know they were both here by the time they got there. He kept his lazy smirk on his face as they stood in front of the Boss' door. The bodyguards looked at them with blank looks before going to open the doors.

"The Boss has been expecting you both."

"Why of course he is!" Dazai exclaimed with glee as he couldn't wait to get in there and find out why Mori kept something so important from him. Entering the room Dazai observed everything he could as he didn't want to go in unprepared. He saw Mori sitting at his desk with his head resting on his hands, a confident smirk resting on his face.

"Ah Dazai it is a surprise to see you here. Are you finally ready to come back?" Mori's voice came out slightly crazed. Dazai stared at him blankly as if to answer that question. He knew Mori knew that he was never setting foot back into the Mafia as an executive or the boss. He didn't like the look that was slightly hidden in those red-purple eyes. He knew Mori was slowly losing it when he first killed the mafia boss. He could see the slight crazed look the older male had.

"Ah Mori. Mori. Mori. You should know the answer to that question." He grinned ferociously. He watched an emotion cross over those intent eyes. He knew every time he turned down the other, the black haired male got more desperate. He heard a sound from beside, that sounded like a cough. Ah looks like the slug wanted to get started. He sighed as he let his mate take over. It was time to get answers.

Chuuya watched the back and forth conversation that was going on between his mate and boss. It was starting to annoy him as they came here to get answers about why he almost killed his omega from the lack of information he had. He coughed into his hand to gain the attention of his boss and Dazai. He glared at his boss, not even greeting him like he normally did. At this point he is viewing Mori as the enemy which meant in this moment in time he was not loyal or respectful. He was furious and he wanted to know what his boss was thinking.

"Boss. It has come to our attention that you have failed in educating us." He was getting straight to the point. He was not going to go in circles anymore. He watched the older male look at him with a raised brow. He could tell the boss didn't expect the blatant disrespect. He was praising himself inside his head as he watched the confusion in Mori's eyes. He was finally one step ahead of someone.

"Oh and please do tell what I failed to educate you on. As I remember having you guys taught everything you needed to know."

"That is where you are wrong, Boss." He sneered at the older male. He knew his protective alpha side started to come out. He could smell Dazai releasing calming pheromones to try and calm him down. He took a second to take a deep breath. He needs to calm down and focus. He remembered who he was doing this for. For the omega that was currently in his apartment wrapped up in his nest with Chuuya and Dazai's scents around him to keep him relaxed while they were gone. He opened his eyes not realizing he closed them to help calm himself.

"You didn't have our secondary gender teachers tell us about what could happen to omegas if their mate or mates reject them. They left out the part of Omegan drops which could result in death." He snarled the last bit as that part still hurts to know. It still hurts him and Dazai knowing they hurt their precious angel by staying away and rejecting him. Especially if they had known they would have given the tiger the love he so obviously deserves. He watched as an emotion flew across the boss' eyes that had him take a step back defensively.

"That my dear Chuuya is because it was not necessary information that you two needed to know." Chuuya heard Dazai growl at the implication that sentence held. It meant that Mori purposely didn't have the teachers tell them even though there was a possibility for them to have omega mates.

"What do you mean it wasn't necessary, Mori? We both could have had omega mates. You wouldn't have known if we were alphas. Hell, we could have been omegas." Chuuya exclaimed. He was tired of not knowing. Being kept in the dark. He could hear Dazai start to move toward him like he was trying to protect him from something or to stop Chuuya from doing something stupid.

"Chuuya I knew you both weren't omegas based on your characteristics and attitudes. Also omegan mates would have slowed you both down. You would not work as smoothly as you did. It was one of the reasons I had allowed you two to sleep together as it would keep you from finding your mates." The growl that came out of both his and Dazai's mouth was loud. It echoed through the room. Anyone who heard would be trembling even other alphas as that was how powerful the growls were.

"And why the fuck would you think that Mori? You didn't think that maybe having mates would make us stronger." Chuuya could barely keep himself in control. He wanted to rip Mori's throat out.

"Why I am an omega myself."

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